- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

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Par   •  10 Juin 2015  •  961 Mots (4 Pages)  •  975 Vues

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tudy abroad at St. Andrews affords some elective credits.

Not every special topics classes from other departments are NBB electives, please see the NBB Office for current

NBB electives offered each semester

NBB Electives

NBB 221 - Research Methods in Neuroscience

The focus will be to educate students in the scientific method: generating testable hypotheses, sampling ( observational and experimental), randomization, and control techniques. Students will also learn the basic statistical vocabulary. Then, the most frequently used statistical hypothesis tests in neuroscience will be covered. This course will be one of those required of all NBB majors taking NBB 498R/499R and of NBB Honors program students.

NBB 222WR - Communication in the Neurosciences

The focus will be to extend basic understanding of the scientific method, as a process that actually produces a product. The course will be structured so that the elements of scientific writing, publication, and presentation are introduced in the classroom.

Prerequisites: NBB 221 or by permission of instructor. This course fulfills a post-freshman writing requirement.

NBB 300 - The Musical Brain

Crosslisted: MUS309-000.

This course examines the subjective experience and neural substrates of music perception and performance. Each week the class participates in a dialog between musicians and neuroscientists that examines both the experiential and mechanistic approach to music by asking questions such as "What makes something musical and how are the complex sounds of music processed by the brain?" The relationships of music to language, emotion and memory will be examined in detail. Theories of motor learning will be discussed and applied to musical performance. The course explores the development of the musical mind from infancy to adulthood and asks the question, "How are the brains of composers, conductors, and performers different?" Evidence of the efficacy of music therapy and the impact of music on mental health are evaluated. Finally the evolution of musicality in animals and humans is examined.

NBB 321 - Behavioral Neuroendocrinology of Sex (Same as Psychology 321)

Spring. Explores hormonal contributions to the development and expression of gender and sexual behavior in animals and


NBB 317 Human Social Neuroscience

Neurobiological substrates supporting human social cognition and behavior. Review and sythesis of relevant research in neuropsychology, psychiatry, neuroimaging, and experimental animal research.

NBB 350: Animal Welfare

Content:In this course we will explore the ethical issues which arise when humans interact with other animals. Particular focus will be placed on concerns relevant to neuroscientists and other researchers. We will analyze the philosophical debates about the moral status of animals and examine the existing scientific evidence that we can bring to bear on animal welfare issues. Our overall objective is to achieve open and critical thinking about animal welfare issues.

Texts: Textbook and other readings.

NBB 361WR - Project Lab in Neurobiology

A course in experimental neuroscience designed for juniors who may be interested in research and which provides an introduction to current concepts, analytical methods, and laboratory techniques.

Prerequisites: Requires NBB 301/Biol 360 AND permission of


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