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Leo de VINCI

Commentaire d'arrêt : Leo de VINCI. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mai 2019  •  Commentaire d'arrêt  •  371 Mots (2 Pages)  •  821 Vues

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Présentation anglais

Oh thank you, thank you very much, I really appreciation to be here with you tonight and to receive this award. This award means a lot to me, it representes 3 long years of work, a failure, work again and finding solutions. I had to take small breaks and go back to work again and I made a lot of sacrifices but the most important was the work and the work ahah.

Henri Ford said “Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working is success”

This award is not MY award but the award of a team of scientists.

This is why I want to thank them, they are trully amazing ! They put their lifes aside to work on this project. I  think that if their couple has resisted that, it can resist everything

I also want to thank my little Sweety

Sweety is my cat actually, without him, I never thought about this project by seeing him moving in the dark without any problems. This gave me an idea about contact lens that helps see in the dark. How do they do to see in the dark ? Retina and pupils of cats are so fabulous thaht we needed to reproduce this phenomenon on the human beeing. 3 years ago, at the beginning of the project, Sweety was a kitten, now he is all grown up.

I would like to thank the other candidate for this award, their ideas were really interesting and they did a really good job.

One of the most important person is my husband. He took care of our 3 children this last years, he also took his responsabilities and I thank him for what he has done and for the support he gave me by beeing an amazing dad while I wasn’t there. My children really missed me. Actually I think that my oldest son has passed the A level and I should call him just to now if he did great!

Now we are going to go on a trip and talk to each other just like to now about each other. I thank yoy for taking the time to listen to me and thank you again for the award.



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