Phrsal Verbs
Mémoire : Phrsal Verbs. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar aaatttt • 27 Septembre 2011 • 1 988 Mots (8 Pages) • 1 450 Vues
Account for = represent, form, compose, are
• Bags account for 60% of the products we sell.
• Tomatoes account for 15% of the vegetables we produce.
• Girls account for 60% of the students in our school.
• Women account for a large percentage of our clients.
• Young people aged 18 to 35 account for the majority of the unemployed.
• Food products account for about one third of a family 's expense
ADD UP (2), SET UP (3)
Add up = accumulate, gather little by little and gradually become a lot
• Mary washes cars, cleans houses, irons people's clothes for money, and babysits. With all these kinds of work money adds up and it is almost a regular salary.
• Money can’t add up if you keep spending all the time.
• Since my mother moved in with us, I 'm afraid our problems have added up.
• If you save some Euros every week you’ll see how quickly it adds up and you’ll be able to buy that motorcycle.
• He spends a lot on food, a lot on his amusement, a lot on drinks. By the end of the month when he receives bills too all expenses add up and he is left broke.
• First, he was rude to me. Then he started making fun of me in front of others. Sometimes he teased me for my accent. It all adds up and now I don’t want to see him anymore.
set up = build, put something in a place
• After the accident the police set up roadblocks on the road.
• They should have set up a STOP sign here. It 's really dangerous.
• The government set up tents for the people who were left homeless after the earthquake.
• The Town Hall set up a medical unit near the block of flats that had caught fire.
• When we reached the top of the mountain we set up a flag.
• They set up a new branch of these clothes stores in our city.
• Could you please set up your videocameras over there? You 're blocking the light here.
• We set an iron fence up all around the garden
Argue with (somebody or something) = disagree
• -He is not very helpful, is he?
• -I can’t argue with you on that! He has never wanted to help me with anything.
• -It is an expensive dress but it is of high quality.
• -You can’t argue with that price for such a good dress.
• -It wasn't such a good movie after all.
• -I couldn’t argue with you there! It was rather boring.
• -No, dad, I 'm not going to clean up now! I 'm busy!
• -Don’t argue with me! Do what I tell you!
• Don’t argue with him! He thinks he’s always right anyway!
• Never argue with stubborn people!
Clutter up (with something) = fill a place with too many things
• The children have cluttered up their rooms with toys.
• Don't clutter up your office with paper.
• Why is the floor cluttered up with magazines?
• When Vicky cooks, the kitchen is cluttered up with plates and cups.
• Your boxes and suitcases are cluttering up the hall and we can't get to the door.
• My mind is cluttered up with bad memories.
ask for something = tell someone to give me something
• He asked for my phone number! Do you think he is going to call me?
• I asked for a rise but the boss said he will think about it.
• She asked me for help with her homework.
• He asked me for money to make a phone call.
• I went to the Town Hall to ask for information about the town.
• She asked Santa Claus for a ponny!
• He is a nice man, hard-working and considerate. You couldn’t have asked for a better husband!
• You’re healthy and you have a beautiful family. What more could you ask for in life?
Boil down to = is the most important thing
• In the end, what it all boils down to is money. So, if you don't have it, forget your plan.
• When you buy a product, it always boils down to quality and cost.
• What it really boils down to is the fact that I cannot marry him.
• What it boils down to is that you just don't believe me.
• My advice boiled down to this: always put your family first.
knock about = knock around = hit a lot