The Breath
Recherche de Documents : The Breath. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mhachicha • 1 Décembre 2012 • 499 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 106 Vues
1- So what is the relationship between your photography and painting?
My paintings are based on the theme “the strong breath” and the strong wind which destroys all the things of the world. I interpreted the consequences of the storm which destroys the pictorial space in a plastic work which is the "painting".
And in the numeric images, I integrated the architecture which is destroyed by this storm.
2- Your work has tension, but why did you put your painting in a closed space?
I did not choose this closed space but I tried nevertheless to find a space, the biggest possible, in order to emphasize my paintings and to express the effect of this storm.
Art and Culture
1- Did you take these photos by yourself? If you did, what did you want to express?
What do you think about these cities? If you found them on the Internet, then does your work has anything to do with the internet? What is the relationship between your photography and the internet?
In fact, I did not take those photos by myself. I actually found them on internet. And my choice was deliberate; I looked for some photos of modern architecture with immense buildings. Since, in this kind of photos we can see clearly the consequences of the storm through the oblique and crushed buildings. My work has no relation with internet, but I did search for these photos on the internet on purpose because I needed them and especially because there are no such photos in our city.
2- I know that in France there is an artist called Chu Teh-Chun. When I see your painting I think about his painting “Le souffle qui libère la matière”. Have you seen this painting? If you have, how do you think your color and expression of theme relate to his work? How do they differ?
Yes, I know this artist and I have already seen his paintings previously. However, I was not influenced by his works. It is true that there is a resemblance between our paintings mainly in terms of colors. But they are different in terms of the techniques which he uses such as: the material and the swindle which I did not use in my paintings.
Art and Culture
Moreover, His painting is called "the breath which frees the material” while mine is called “the breath which destroys the material.”
Le souffle qui libère la matière
2006 Chu Teh-Chun