CCI International (document en anglais)
Commentaire d'oeuvre : CCI International (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar margoulett • 4 Mai 2015 • Commentaire d'oeuvre • 283 Mots (2 Pages) • 836 Vues
CCI International
Dubaï is the 1st exchange center between Middle East countries, du south Indian continent and Africa.
The "made in France" has a dominant position (quality, refinement, know-how) favorite consumption of UAE’s consumers. La France is the leader in term of beauty (perfumes, facial care, make up, hair products…)
L'UE bénéficie de droits de douane très préférentiels, voire nuls selons les produits et leur origine en Afrique du sud et d'environ 30 % en Angola.
In Middle East lux and beauty explosed.
French brand as to adapt their Marketing plan
Voile or not, women's are coquette
Oriental women’s are more sensible at the visual and olfactory esthetic.
50% French Cosmetic brand
(L'oreal, l'occitane, sephora ...)
Middle East population as a "power purchase " superior at the occidental average
After the Islamic revolution of 1979 make up was forbidden in Iran.
At the beginning in Middle East women's started to used "kohl" to protect their eyes against flies, wind, and sun.
Nowadays in the administration women's are not allowed (in principle) to put make up.
Because of the "voile" Iranian women’s take really care about their face, the only part visible of the body.
Compare with France where the fashion is "without make up" in Middle East it's completely different.
With dry climate beauty product with hydrating moisture are more sell.
South Arabia adds forbid showing women’s face.
So brands have to adapt and to be imaginative. Ex: showing hair only back
In Middle East perfume is really consumed
The smell of the perfume is strong with strong fragrances
The "oud" is really famous
Francis Kurkjdian with the perfume oud velvet mood
French brand imagine their own oud. And other brand like l'artisant parfumeur, le labo, Dyptique, also participate snowball effect.