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The republican party

Étude de cas : The republican party. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Février 2018  •  Étude de cas  •  1 461 Mots (6 Pages)  •  668 Vues

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        The republican party (the right part), is one of the two major contempory political party in USA, his rival is the Democratic party.

        The Republican party has been created at the 28th of February 1854. The president of this party is Ronna Romney McDaniel and the head office is situated  in Washington Discrict Columbia. His colour is the red and the animal which represents the party is the elephant.

        Their ideologies are federalism, conservatism and economic liberalism.

        The federalism is the mixed or compound mode of government, combining a general government with regional governments in a single political system. It can be defined as a form of government in which there is a division of powers between two levels of government of equal status.

        Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization. Conservtism includes traditions, human imperfection, organic society, hierarchy and authority, and property right. Conservatives want to preserve institutions such as monarchy, religion, parliamentary government and property rights.

        Liberalism is a political philosophy founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Liberals supports ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil right, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.

        The Republican Party has ben created by dissidents of the Party whig and of the democratic party. They were favorable to protectionism.

        Since its foundation, it is the party which has the most exercised the most executive power in the USA.

        Donald Trump, who is the current president of the USA since January 20, 2017, is the 20th and newest president from that party.

        At its creation in 1854, the Republican Party was for the abolition of slavery in all US states. This measure, taken by Abraham Lincoln, then creates the United States. This causes the Civil War. It is also for the reduction of foreign competition for farmers and industrialists, and promotes the construction of a network of transcontinental railways.

        At the end of the nineteenth century, thanks to Theodore Roosevelt's policy, he encouraged American military intervention abroad and the formation of a "colonial empire" (Cuba and the Philippines, taken to Spain).

        After the First World War, the Republicans, the majority in Congress, imposed isolationism (refusal to join the League of Nations, very restrictive laws on immigration of Europeans). They are supporters of economic liberalism so they take very favorable measures for American entrepreneurs. The economic tranquility of the country ends the crisis of 1929 and the Great Depression that they are slow to fight. Republicans are fighting in Congress against the New Deal put in place by Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt to fight the crisis.

        After the Second World War, under the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower, the Republicans are in favor of an interventionist policy to try to stop the international expansion of communism and to fight sympathizers of "left" ideas with McCarthyism.

        Under the presidency of Ronald Reagan (1981-1989), Republicans gradually cancel the economic and social regulation created by Roosevelt and limit as much as possible the intervention of the federal state in affairs. However, the federal government has a policy of defending the interests of American industrialists and Middle West farmers. This policy is pursued by Presidents George H. Bush and, from 2001, by his son George W. Bush who adds a strong influence of fundamentalist Christian groups.


  • The Trump's economic plan focuses on “making America great again”. It's about natinalism.
  • He wants to “repeat and replace Obamacare”.
  • Trump stopped reimbursing insurance companies.
  • Another point is to “reduce the debt” by eliminate waste in federal spending.
  • Trump promised to American to grow the economy by 6% annually to increase tax revenues although is it too fast hor healthy economic growth, and would create inflastion.
  • He would like to make the US military so strong that nobody would attack America and then he will increese the Department of Defense budget by 10%. And for example he wants to cancel the Iran nucleardeal.
  • For the Energy plan, he announced that he would repeat the Clean Power Plan, and it would withdraw Obama-era limits on carbon emisions at US power plants and withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement.
  • About immigration, he wants to send illegal Immigrants back to their country of origin and he promised to deport the 2 million to 3 million immigrants in Us illegaly who have criminal records.
  • Another important project is to build a wall along the 2000 miles US border with Mexico and estimated the cost at $10 billion to $20 billion of dollars for this, but he wants Mexico to pay the wall, Mexico refused and Trump threatened them to export immigrants illegaly in Mexico.
  • “Cut Government Spending” is another key of his programm.


        L'éléction de Donald Trump, 45ème président des États-Unis est un bouleversement pour la politique mais aussi pour les médias américains, accusés de partis pris et d’un manque de clairvoyance dans cette campagne. Donald Trump est qualifié de candidat habile à manipuler l’information.

        Selon plusieurs personnes, ces élections marquent « la défaite d’un certain fétichisme technologique ». Pendant des mois, on a parlé de l’avance technologique de l’équipe de Clinton :sa capacité à concainvre ses électeurs pour faire du porte à porte, à mobiliser des ambassadeurs… Trump en revanche semblait mener une campagne “à l’ancienne”, en utilisant par exemple Twitter comme un média broadcast, en balançant une parole choc dont il savait qu’elle serait relayée par tous les médias. Il s’agit donc de l’échec de la campagne la plus avancée techniquement,  mais aussi de l’échec massif des sondages . Les médias donnaient Hillary Clinton gagnante, haut la main, grâce aux sondages et à l’analyse de données.


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