Karl Marx, fiche auteur
Fiche : Karl Marx, fiche auteur. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Laura Klock • 7 Février 2021 • Fiche • 308 Mots (2 Pages) • 617 Vues
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
- German Philosopher and Economist[pic 1]
- Area of specialization: Political economy
- Current of thought: Marxism
- Context:
-Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century in England
-Social changes linked to the development of industry: emergence of the proletariat.
-Social struggles with the birth of worker unionism
- Biography:
Karl Heinrich Marx was born on 5 May 1818 in Trier, Rhine Prussia. The son of a Jewish lawyer, he studied law at the University of Bonn, then in Berlin where he also studied philosophy. He completed his studies in 1841 and was awarded a doctorate in philosophy at the University of Jena. Karl Marx belongs to the circle of "Left Hegelians", a group of atheist and revolutionary thinkers who encounter the hostility of the Prussian government. He went to Bonn to become a professor, but in the face of Prussian politics hostile to the Hegelians, he finally preferred to devote himself to defending his political ideas.
- Political thinking:
Contemporary with the industrial revolution in Europe, Karl Marx will gradually build what will be called scientific communism which is based on a strong critique of the capitalist mode of production as a mode of domination of the bourgeoisie over the working class. Based on an analysis of the material conditions of production, Marx, who was very strongly involved politically with the latter, determined the existence of a struggle between these social classes which should lead to the abolition of the exploitation of man by man.
- Main works:
-Criticism of Hegel’s Philosophy of Law (with Engels, 1844)
-Theses on Feuerbach (1845)
-German ideology (with Engels, 1846)
-Misery of philosophy (1847)
-Manifesto of the Communist Party (with Engels, 1848)
-Class Struggles in France (1850)
-Contribution to the critique of political economy (1859)
-Capital (1867-1894)
-Civil War in France (1871)
Source : fr.wikipedia.org
Karl Marx (xn--rpubliquedeslettres-bzb.fr)