Dissertation : PPBS. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mido00 • 3 Avril 2018 • Dissertation • 378 Mots (2 Pages) • 603 Vues
Good morning Ladies and gentlemen. I’m glad to be here with you today and I’d like also quickly introduce myself. My name is Mehdi .Your humble friend . As they said Sharing is caring and I am m so proud to share with u this humble production about PPBS but First and before That .When I started preparing for this talk, I was reminded of Thanking this honorable man here who try always to share his huge knowledge and experiences with us . I Thank u from the bottom of my hearts sir for giving us opportunities such as and I appreciate the way that u teach us with . so May Allah protect you and if anyone deserves thanks it will be you . Ladies and Gentlemen Our perfect Professor Idriss Khoudry .
Lets move now to a short explanation of PPBS
This approach, elaborated by the RAND Corporation, USA in the middle of 60s attempted tointegrate in one system the elements of planning, programming and budgeting all together .
The abbreviation PPBS stands for the following three phases of this procedure:
a) Planning is what may be called strategy in the sense that at this point the concern is to define,using prospective studies, the set of long term objectives for which various services will be responsible.
b) Programming consists of defining the administrative steps and for organizing the necessarylogistics for carrying out the set of actions in order to reach the selected objectives. In this phase, the resources in terms of human resources, capital (investment) and research are determined for the duration period covered.
I hope I could explain for you the diferrent paheses of ppbs and I let my friend complete the last phase which is Budgeting .
c) Budgeting is the phase when the annual parts of the programme are translated into annualbudget, taking into account the financial constraints.The idea is to adopt on a voluntary and progressive basis, within the administration, a coherentway of preparing, implementing, and controlling decisions made at each level of responsibility.
In brief, the PPBS method is to set certain major objectives, to define programmes essential to these goals, to identify resources to the specific types of objectives and to systematically analyse the alternatives available.