Biographie malcom X
Fiche : Biographie malcom X. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar emeline.alauze • 13 Juin 2019 • Fiche • 494 Mots (2 Pages) • 635 Vues
Malcolm X
Place and date of birth: Malcolm X was born on May,19th (nineteen) 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska
Social background: Member of a large family, Malcom X has grew up in poor living conditions. His mother was an home maker and his father, James Earl Little, was a preacher (a religious men) who promoted the Blacks beliefs, and supported an Association defending Blacks civil right. Malcom’s father was killed by a white supremacist. Before this event, Ku Klux Klan was regulary theatening and attacking the Malcom's family.
After her husband's death, Malcolm's mother committed to a mental hospital because of the terrible shock she suffered.
Consequently Malcom was sent to a juvenile detention home (an orphenage). He has continued his studies until the High School. But some years after, Malcolm's youth turned to a life of crime.
A troubled youth: Indeed, he was a good student but when he moved to Boston, he was involved in local criminal activities. When he was 20 he was arrested and sent to jail for 10 years.
During his imprisonment, he learnt a lot about African- American history.
His surname: Then, when he leaved the prison he took “X” as a new last name. “Little” was the surname of his white master‘s ancestor who was a slave. He refused this name as a mean to protest against the loss of his own ancestor’s heritage.
As the same time, Malcolm X joined to the Nation of Islam, a sect of black supremacist decided to create an independent black nation separated from white Americans. Quickly his speaker's skills allowed him to get the minister’s function. He became the oficial speaker of the group. Through his numerous speeches he exhorted the black community to the rebellion including the use of violence. Tanks to Malcom’s action, the Nation of Islam grew from hundreds to thousands of members.
In 1960's, Martin Luther King opposes to the violent Malcolm's message.
But, some time later, Malcom X more and more disagree with the Nation of Islman's leader opinion. He realized his mentor was involved in strange affairs. In 1964, Muhammad the group's leader did'nt really react when the President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated. This event led Malcom X to leave the Nation of Islam.
His transformation and his death : That same year, Malcom X travelled in the North Africa and he converted to the traditional Islam. This trip has changed his first feeling and his radicals ideas. When he has returned to the United State he has adopted an optimist and peaceful point of view about the racial discrimination question. Unfortunately, on February 15th, 1965, his assassination by the Nation of Islam's members followed his ideological transformation. Despite numerous criticals which concerned his first violent way of thinking, Malcolm's fight against discrimination really contributes to the political awarness of the society. Today again, Malcom X's book remind to everybody his struggle for equality.