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Impersonal Verbs
Verbes impersonnels
Most verbs are personal: they must be conjugated for different grammatical persons, such as aller (to go), je vais (I go), tu vas (you go), etc. But some verbs are used impersonally, meaning they have only one conjugation, the third person singular. This is usually the impersonal subject pronoun il, meaning "it," but may also be an interrogative pronoun or indefinite demonstrative pronoun.
Most impersonal verbs also have personal meanings, which may or may not be related.
Weather verbs
Personal meaning
Il fait beau. to be
It’s nice out. faire – to do, make
Il gèle. to freeze
It’s freezing. geler – to freeze
Il neige. to snow
It’s snowing. –
Il pleut. to rain
It’s raining. –
Click any verb for the conjugation tables.
Other impersonal verbs
Personal meaning
s’agir de
Il s’agit de grammaire. to be a question of, have to do with
It’s a question of grammar. agir – to act, behave
Qu’est-ce qui est arrivé ? to happen, to be possible
What happened? arriver – to arrive
il y a
Il y a deux choses à faire. there is, there are
There are two things to do. avoir – to have
Il convient de le faire. to be advisable, to be agreed
It’s advisable to do it. convenir – to suit
Il faut que tu comprennes. to be necessary
You have to understand.
Il importe que tu le fasses. to matter, to be important
It’s important that you do it. importer – to import
Il paraît que tu aies raison. to appear, seem
It appears that you are right. paraître – to appear
se passer
Qu’est-ce qui se passe ? to happen
What’s happening? passer – to pass, to spend time