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Spaces and exchanges cas

Cours : Spaces and exchanges cas. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Février 2016  •  Cours  •  549 Mots (3 Pages)  •  879 Vues

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The notion I am going to deal with is “ spaces and exchanges”

Spaces refers to places or countries Cities all over the world. All those spaces are connected by forms of exchanges. Different kind of exchanges : most important : the exchange of people , in other words : the immigration. So, the immigration is directly linked with this notion. For Many years, and still nowadays, people migrate.

One of the most important migration flow was the one to the USA in the 20th century. I'm gonna talk especialy about the immigration to the USA in the 20th, more specifically, why do people migrate to another country ?

first, about the reasons that let people leave their countries. Then about their Expectation and the reality. People migrate for different reasons, they leave their homeland because of political economical or social problems or also because they need more religious freedom, freedom of speech of press of thought ..

In order to live in better conditions in a new country in which they have all they need. The irish (in 1840) escaped starvation , the Potato famine ( Bacteria in vegetables), The eastern European (in 1920) left their homeland and ran away from persecution and wars. Other migrate in order to have better wages, because of unemployment and poverty.

We can also add that, All those instances are in the 20th century and all the immigrants went to the USA. But today also people migrate : with for instance the   « ARAB SPRING » , the Ukrainian war, many people migrate fleeing wars and persecution and needing more freedom. They migrate to Western countries, Or, to the nearest countries. But lets get back to the immigrants who went to America. They all migrated to fulfill their dreams and start from scatch. They want to live the american dream, the american dream is the idea that anyone who come to the USA has the chance to be successful, rich, and happy if he work hard.Immigrants get there with exceptation. When they arrive to America ,They see the statue of liberty which symbolize freedom. They come HOPEFUL. But they quickly realized that all is not as they have imagined. As is a text we read about the jewish writer who  come to Ellis Island, Immigrants went throw many tests and medical examinations for most of them on ellis island. If they fail their test they were sent back to Their country. They are scared and doesn't want to be sent back , As in the Document « Don't send me back » Thats why Ellis Island is also called « ISLAND OF TEARS , ISLAND OF HOPE » Once they are accepted they have to Fit in, and it's not that easy because they must learn english, find a home, a job. And that is the reason why some imigrants are not integrated so they live in comunity far from the americans. Fortunately not all the Immigrants are not integrated , most of them are. We can give as examples Barack obama or Eva Longoria, Both are integrated although they aren't from America.

To conclude, Immigrate in USA can be a real opportunity provided that immigrants fit in well. So that they can live their American dream. Although not all immigrants have this chance


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