Political cartoon assignment
Commentaire d'arrêt : Political cartoon assignment. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Morpheus111 • 22 Mars 2021 • Commentaire d'arrêt • 784 Mots (4 Pages) • 455 Vues
Political cartoon assignment.
On the left side of the cartoon, there is a women with here two children. She is small, and seems to be wearing a job uniform, with a blank spot for a name tag. She is pointing at her children and is saying : Mine. On the right side of the cartoon is a man in a suit with a Mustache. He has a red bow tie. He is dressed exactly like the Monopoly man. This person has the word ‘Rich’ written on the right side of his suit. He is about 3 times bigger than the woman on the left, and he has a huge smile. In front of the man is an enormous bag of money, who is twice as big as the women. There is a dollar sign on it. Right next to the bag of money, there is an elephant in a suit, with a red tie. This elephant is smiling. The word ‘Congress’ is written on his suit. The rich man is saying ‘Mine’, just like the woman did, but his is bigger and is in bold. While he says that, he is showing the bag of money and the elephant. At the bottom of the cartoon is written “The reason the programs for the poor are in trouble”
The women with her two kids represent the working class. Indeed, she is in a working uniform. The man in the suit represent the ultra rich, and the elephant represent the congress, as written on his suit. The fact that rich man looks like the monopoly guy enhances this idea of him being rich. The man is much more taller that the women. Here, the drawer of this cartoon denounces that fact that the voices of the rich count more than the one of the working classes. This is enhanced by the fact that the word said by the women are smaller than the rich man. Another thing to note in that cartoon is the fact that the rich man shows the elephant that represent the congress and the bag of money, and says ‘MINE’. Here, the cartoonist is saying that in this country; which seems to be the US, as there is a dollar sign and a congress, the congress is controlled by he rich, thanks to money. He is actually implying that there is a lot of corruption in the congress in the US. The sentence at the bottom tells us that the consequence of corruption in the US is that the working classes are not getting any help from the government. All of this clues allow us to see the message of this cartoon. The working class's voice is not and will never be heard, because the voice of the rich is bigger, and because they control the congress, and therefore, the congress will not do anything for the poor, hence the sentence at the bottom. Moreover, the congress is represented as an elephant, and elephants are big things that are hard to move. This elephant in particular look not really smart and docile, with a huge smile on his face, and this shows how the cartoonist thinks of the congress. This means that the cartoonist believe hat the congress will not change, and that the situation will never improve for the working class. The targeted audience of this cartoon is the citizens of the US. The cartoonist is trying to warn them that their government is corrupted and not smart.
I kind of agree with this cartoon, in the sense that the us government is not doing enough to help the working class. Even though I think this cartoon is very interesting, I think it is going a bit too far, and I don’t believe that the US congress is that corrupted. This cartoon has an obvious bias. The cartoonist is taking the side of the working class, and this means that he might be exaggerating the problem, and make it bigger than what is really is, in order to convince his audience that the congress is government. This cartoon is not only talking about the US congress being corrupted. It also denounces the fact that in many countries, the government in place is often controlled by the rich, and that they usually creates reforms that will be good for the rich, and none that will be good for the working class. This cartoon also denounces the fact that the rich have a bigger voice and influence than the working class, and I agree with the cartoonist on that subject.