Devoir 12
Étude de cas : Devoir 12. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar oliviarobert1999 • 24 Novembre 2015 • Étude de cas • 669 Mots (3 Pages) • 929 Vues
Written description
Camera shot: middle shot
Decor: Egypt, with the pyramids in the background. Scorching sun and sandy atmosphere. Archaeological excavations going on with materials scattered on the sand. One excavation plot surrounded by red flags. 2 archaeologists, one working on the sand (Stephan) and one standing (Evan). 2 tents at the back of the excavation plots.
Characters’ Stephan is wearing grey trousers and a white shirt, soiled with the sand
Appearance: and a towel wrapped around his head. He is also wearing a mask over his mouth. Evan is wearing a beige overall and a cap and sunglasses and is sweating a lot.
Characters’ Stephan is holding a brush and excavation tools and is sitting on the sand,
Actions: busy with his work, though he looks really tired. Evan is standing, holding a bottle of water in his hand and wiping his sweat with his hands and looks exasperated while looking at Stephan busy working.
General Idea Dialogue
Wants to reason best friend that they are wasting their time Evan: Look dude, it’s been two years now! We are not going to find that lost treasure! If it really existed, we should have found it by now!
Does not want to see reason and convinced that he is going to find what he is looking for Stephan: No! We are so close to find it! It’s not now that I’m going to lose faith and give up on all these works which I’ve been sacrificing myself for since 2 years!
Concedes that they have been making sacrifices for 2 years Evan: I know dude, I know that it’s hard to give up. I have seen my wife and my children through a webcam for 2 years and your mother has not heard your voice for months now!
Reassures best friend not to give up and to continue searches Stephan: Exactly dude! All these sacrifices were meant for achieving a goal! OUR goal! Now take your brush and let’s continue looking in that small plot!
Sighs, takes brush and resumes the excavations without much expectations Evan: I really don’t know where you have such willpower. I truly think that we are wasting our time. I’m doing all this just because of you
Tries to reassure best friend that they are on the right track Stephan: Oh just stop it now! We were two to embark on this mission because we know that we are going to find that treasure work millions!
Exasperated and tired, continues to brush out sand without looking at what he is doing Evan: yeah yeah.. but after two years it’s high time to realise that we were idiots to embark on such a mission based on what we found in a book!
Surprised and with a look of excitement, draws friend’s attention to what he is digging out Stephan: Evan look!!! There’s something shining under your brush! Just look at it! Quick!!!
Does not believe at first but then sees golden part and jumps of excitement Evan: yeah that’s it.. kidding me right? Holy god!!! What is that? Stephan it’s huge and it’s hard! It’s shiny all over!
Excited and impatient, helps friend to excavate the surrounding sand Stephan: Quick! Quick! I just want to know what this is! I am so excited!
Looks surprised and relieved and quickly