Étude de cas : Tasmania. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Christophe Begin • 3 Novembre 2020 • Étude de cas • 396 Mots (2 Pages) • 432 Vues
Tasmania is the biggest island in Australia and Australia is the biggest island in the world. Tasmania is located on the south-east Australia.
Tasmania is about 68 000 square kilometer and there are 531 500 inhabitants.
The state of Tasmania include the Tasmanian island and 344 other small island
More than a third of the territory of Tasmania is also classified nature reserves and national park at the UNESCO.
Tasmania owes its name at Abel Tasman. It was the first European to see the island on November 24, 1642.
The capital territory of Tasmania and the second oldest city after Sydney is Hobart. Hobart is on the east of Tasmania and there are 219 000 inhabitants.
There is a mild temperate oceanic climate, with four distinct seasons.
This city is twinned with Brest in France and Berlin in Germany.
Point of interrest :
There are many point of interest but I don't have time to mention them all.
The more important are :
The Mount Ossa is on the middle of Tasmania and is the biggest mount with 1600 Meter of altitude. At the top we have a wonderful see of the landscape.
Mount Ossa is also a mountain of Greek mythology.
The Dove Lake is a glacial Lake near the Mont Cradle at the north-east of Tasmania. We can go around it in 3 hours. It's the beginning of the ascent of Mount Cradle. There are many animals who live near the lake like the Wombat, the Wallaby or platypus
The Mount Cradle is a mountain smaller than Mount Ossa. It belongs to Cradle circus. At the top we are a spectacular view of the dove lac, Barn Bluff (an other mountain) and the Mount Ossa
Stanley is a very small city at the north-west of Tasmania. There are 480 inhabitants. The city is very famous in Australia more particulary in Tasmania because in 1936 for the fisrt time Tasmania was bound with Australian continent by à submarin cable from Apollobay to Stanley. In this city there are The Nut a volcanic remnant and Highfield. Highfield offer a beautiful view of the beach with the Nut behind
The Freycinet national park is a park on the east coast. It is very famous because there is the Wineglass bay which is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the world
other :
The tasmania devil's is small and dangerous animals, resembling a small bear but he is very famous. It is currently endangered