Support for women...
Commentaire de texte : Support for women.... Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar camilleg65 • 28 Avril 2020 • Commentaire de texte • 974 Mots (4 Pages) • 643 Vues
Introduction :
This texte is untlited « Support for women returners is key to closin the gender gap ». The subtittle is « Many businesses are guilty of failing to be supportive anc inclusive of women returning to work. We must learn from our mistakes or risk losing more talent ». The main topic is inequalities between women and men at the job particularly for important or seniors roles. The writer is Jonathan Boyers, a partner at KPMG Enterprise. This document is published on August, the Monday third, in twenty-fifteen on the Guardian, a famous british news paper.
This document is composed of 8 paragraphs and three hundred sixteen words. In the top left, there are a picture. On this picture, we can see a picture of a woman with her arms folded up. In her right hand, there are a working suitcase that represent the job. In her left hand, there are a picture of baby, it represent children and the family life. This means that she must make a choice between the job and children. This illustrates the main topic of the text.
To explain this document, I will address two points. Firstly, I will set out the facts written in the document. In second part, I will explain the consequences of this facts.
Développement :
Today, gender inequalities are very common in the world of work. They have existed for many years but have only recently been recognized (line 1 : « The issue of gender diversity is now widely recognised as a business issue »). To overcome this, many laws are created. For example, businesses have quotas to meet under penalty of fines. Companies are trying to hire more women particularly in important jobs (line 3 : « Many large companies are setting ambitious targets to significantly increase the number of women in senior roles »). Moreover, more chiefs executive oficial, more managers and so on, understand the importance women can have in a business (lines 5-6 : « most rational managers understand the benefit of developing well-balanced teams where extremely talented female members are able to flourish into key roles at any level of the business »). But, many are still hesitant because women often want to have children. In fact they take maternity leave. But again, when they have 2 or more children, it takes them a lot of time off work. Often, they sacrifice their careers for the benenfit of their family because companies do not allow for the conciliation between the family and the work or it’s very difficult (lines 7-9 : « However, there is one crucial area : after the birth of a child, and in particular, the birth of a second child. So it is necessary to make it easier for women to work their way through the two or three years when so many of them decide to drop out of their careers. »). This issue is important, not insignificant and there are consequences.
For the author, there are many solutions that companies can implement to solve this problem such as a greater flexibility, the use of new technologies, the teleworking, an adjustment of the numbers of hours so on, and this temporarily. (line 10 : « If businesses can adopt entirely new, dramatically higher levels of flexibility », line 11 : « other transitional support for highly talented women during this time », lines 14-15 : « A greater commitment to flexible working, whether relating to the number of hours worked or the location ; better use of mobile technology ; temporary », line 16 : « maybe investment in additional support staff would all help »). For the writer, companies are creatively for the business so (line 18 : « business leaders can think more creatively »). Another solution would be an awarness of men of parental leave and of thr role of men in the family and with children (lines 24-26 : « male executives may also feel more empowered to take more shared parental leave, enhancing their own skills and behaviours in the process, so that they too return to the workplace as more fully rounded executives »). Despite the existence of this solution, the problem persists which implies many consequences. Women dro out their careers (line 9 : « them decide to dop out of their careers »). Women prefere to devote themselves to their family life (line 19 : « mothers through these domestically focused years »). The gender gap is maintened. One of consequences and not the least, it is the loss of talent. (subtittle line 2 : « We must learn from our mistakes or risk losing more talent »).