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Spaces and exchanges (Money)

Fiche : Spaces and exchanges (Money). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Mai 2019  •  Fiche  •  514 Mots (3 Pages)  •  653 Vues

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Spaces and exchanges:

First, I will define the notion :

Our modern world is built on the exploration and the conquest of new spaces. Nations are becoming more and more dependent on each other and our world seems geographically smaller then ever before thanks to improved transportation and communication systems. Throughout history trade, emigration, communication and conquest have brought about numerous cultural, political and economical exchanges across the world.

Subject: Money

Money is a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively.

Everyone uses money. We all want it, work for it and think about it.

While the creation and growth of money seems somewhat intangible, money is the way we get the things we need and desire.

The task of defining what money is, where it comes from and what it's worth belongs to those who dedicate themselves to the discipline of economics.

Problematic: How money makes world exchanges easier ?

In reality, money is nothing, it is only the value that man and the stock market affect him that makes it so precious.

It’s in our society a pillar. It is essential to our survival wherever we live, it allows us to satisfy our needs and our desires.

But some people are clearly richer than others thanks to the money they hold for example: The most rich 26 billionaire save as much money as of humanity.

The movements of money in the world are reflected by the stock market, trad, and globalization.

The world of finance and the economy so that the money management is really complicated.

In a single generation there is been a revolutionary expansion in the size and rate of transactions across the globe.

Medium of Exchange

Before the development of a medium of exchange like money people would barter to obtain the goods and services they needed.

But the trade agreements were difficult, everyone did not necessarily have the things the others wanted in return. That's why the money was created

Every element of society uses money as a medium of making exchanges. For example, producers sell their goods to wholesalers (in exchange for money).

Simply money facilitates exchanges in the economy.

It also a unit of account. In other words, we use it to measure the value of various goods and services in an economy.

It essentially serves as a standard of value.

As long as we have money we can buy and sell with the whole world.

Each country has its own money so there is a multitude. But the most important for global trade are $ and euro.

To conclude: the subject of money, it corresponds to the notion of spaces


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