Ppc anglais
Dissertation : Ppc anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Lina Meddeb • 1 Mars 2019 • Dissertation • 778 Mots (4 Pages) • 646 Vues
The notion I am going to introduce you today deals with the idea of progress. Progress can concern a lot of different fields by being a positive change to society or providing a better quality of life. But now we’re going to focus on biotechnological progress which can also lead to certain negative points. This kind of progress most often raises issues and oppositions between persons who are comfortable with their living way, and those who think biotechnologies are primary for the human development and somehow form our future, and here a problem emerge: what should be the limits of biotechnological progress?
By the end of the 20th century science has known a huge progress especially in genetics such as the discovery of DNA, which allowed scientist to go further in their researches and after a great advancement, create a new way to have a baby. As we saw it in the text “design a baby” the first test tube baby was born in 1978. This procedure was considered as a revolution and a positive change because as well as it permitted certain parents to have a baby when nature didn’t, it also permitted them to achieve a dream. Furthermore thanks to this discovery families were able to avoid their baby’s life threatening diseases, and even save their child’s life and that’s what happened in the movie ‘my sister keeper’ where a test tube baby was born to keep her sick sister alive by being compatible with her blood type.
Step by step this great wave of progress, meaning test tubes babies, became a frequent and safe procedure which was accepted by most people and helped a lot of families. Since then, the climb of science advancement continued and reached a point which was considered as science fiction in past. In fact, we can see in an extract of the science fiction movie “gattaca” made in 1997, two parents choosing the gender and traits of their future baby which at this time was the realm of the impossible. Nowadays, scientists are browsing the unknown land of “designer babies” to make us able to literally design our baby. Indeed, The text “design a baby” introduce us to this notion and shows us that it’s actually possible to choose some of your future’s baby features such as gender, hair color, or eyes color. But certain people didn’t completely accept it.
Progress implies changes which are not necessarily embraced by all. In these circumstances most people agreed that society couldn’t manage such a big change. Designer babies would lead to a second class citizens and form an elite with the perfect designed babies. Moreover, if this line is crossed, then the limit between ethics and science will never be established, scientist will go further in their discoveries and according to the document “Genetically Engineering Intelligent Babies” they will even be able to increase the intelligence of babies one day, or at least help its progression.
In this case, the consequences will be the creation of a dystopian world, just as it’s described in the document “how to recognize a dystopia”. Actually in this video, the will of scientist to improve science and reach a perfect world, turn into the perfect opposite, by leading to wars and inequalities that’s why we can assume that designer baby will increase world problems. The debate over them raised a lot of other issues. In fact, scientists are considered as blinded by the