Places and forms of power
Dissertation : Places and forms of power. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar zozopoms • 5 Juin 2019 • Dissertation • 381 Mots (2 Pages) • 625 Vues
I am going to talk about the notion “places and forms of power” through the theme of
the death penalty.
First of all I'd like to give a definition of the notion. The term “Places” denotes important
buildings or instituions. Power is the ability to control others
In order to illustrate this notion I will try to answer the question : In what ways can power
be abused?
I will base my presentation on two main points
on the one hand we will see figures presenting the death penalty in 2013 with the cons and
on the other hand a similar death penalty document in 2018 with the pros.
First, I will present the document « executions in 2013 » .
This document is a map of the United States with different colored states that represent
executions under the death penalty in 2013.
In this first document, only 9 states are concerned and in total about 40 executions took
The death penalty has some disadvantages, for exemple :
For many activists, death penalty is costing more than keeping someone in jail for a long
Many people were found guilty and killed by the death penalty when they were totally
This form of power takes the lives of some men and suppresses the life of a father, a brother,
a child in family life.
This map shows that the death penalty is inked in the United States and this power is
characterized in large numbers in 2013.
Secondly, the map "executions in 2018" illustrate these pors because in this year less
executions have taken place and then the decisions are justified.
This map is the same as that of the first document, only the numbers are different.
In this document, 8 states are concerned for a total of 25 executions
On the other hand, the death penalty has advantages, for exemple:
For society, the death penalty is a fair representation of the values defended.
For the executions of the innocent, some leniency was granted through DNA tests.
We note then that 5 years after the number of executions under penalty of death has dropped
sharply since the figures in 2018 are about half of those in 2013 in the first document.
To conclude, Over the years, the death penalty can be considered a good means of