Myths and heroes : is there an age to be a hero ?
Chronologie : Myths and heroes : is there an age to be a hero ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Guilhem Marlenagui • 7 Décembre 2019 • Chronologie • 599 Mots (3 Pages) • 627 Vues
I am going to introduce you the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : A myth is a story that may or may not be true. All cultures have myths and this mythology has been developed over time. Mythology includes the legends of our history, our religions, stories of how the world was created, and our heroes. A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film or a person with superhuman qualities. It can also be a modern-day hero, a person who has performed a heroic act.
I wonder if there is a age to be an hero ? First, I will explain you why there is a age to be an hero and then i will show you that’s ages is not a barrier to be an hero.
In a first instance, I will use my written expression of my hero to express my idea. My hero is Chris Hadfield, an ex-astraunote. For me, he represent and complety show why a child can’t be an hero.
He is an hero for his travel in astraunomy. And all his travel come from his intelligence, his experience which he has acquired during all his live. Therefor a child can’t get this experience because he is too young. He doesn’t have a distance on things, and on my point of view, an child is to immature and irregular to be qualified as an hero. He doesn’t get all the information he needs to understand what’s surround it. Althought young, a child has not harmful intention. He is not lead by the success, the money, the power. That’s why, child are more « real hero » because he doesn’t have expectation.
Notwithstanding, be an hero for a child is dangerous. As we studied in class, Malala was shooted by Taliban when she was helping young girl to go to school. Malala doesn’t realized the risk of her action and put her life and life of the other children in danger. This show you that some action have to be reflected and a child doesn’t take the distance on things.
Whereas Malala rewarded by the Nobel Peace Prize and moved the politic situation in her country.
In a second Time, children can be an hero. Like we debated in class, children are heroes .
We saw, with the exemples of Greta Tunberg, that’s children can pass important message.
In fact, Greta Tunberg act for te climate, and represent the child voice.
It’s prove that’s children can be heroes. They have the innocence which make their travel honest.
They don’t have the power, money ambition, yet this innocence can be used by harmful intentioned person. Many people said, Greta tunberg is manipulated, and doesn’t really realize what’s happen.
That explain why she cryed ofr the climates. In addition, be an hero, protest, for a child, is very very exhausting. It’s eat time on heir education time.
To conclude, is there an age to be an hero ?
We saw, that’s a child can be a hero but he need a structure and help to resist and understand what surround him.
A child can passed message only he doesn’t realize all the danger which can bring him.
For me be, there is no age to be an hero, because there is only 3 or 4 times on your life who make you hero. Be an hero is ephemeral.
That’s why I wonder do we have to reward a act of heroism