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Martin luther king

Dissertation : Martin luther king. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Décembre 2018  •  Dissertation  •  870 Mots (4 Pages)  •  677 Vues

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. Biography:

Martin Luther king is an american black pastor born in atlanta (georgie) on january

15th a thousand nine hundred and twenty nine (1929). He died murder in Menphis on April 4 one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight after being shot in the head. He played a very important rôle kin the fight against racial discrimination in united state He became famous in one thousand nine hundredand fifty five by taking the defence of a young seamstress, Rosa Parks, of the city of montgomery. She had refused to give his place to a white man on the bus. He became famous in thousand nine hundred and sixty and became the leader of the civil rights mouvement. He gate fame world with a speech «I have a dream» where he says dream of a country where the with and black people lived like the brothers .He received in thousand nine hundred and sixty three nobel peace prize for huce non violent to stuggle for a equality of rights

II. His story

a)Segragation :

The segregation is the action of separate a someone or a group of people in the order to put aside

b) his activities against segragetion :

In 1955, king decide de mener le boycott des bus de Montgomery apres l’arrestation de Rosa Park. Elle ne voulais pas lasser sa place à un blanc dans le bus. Elle est arretée pour violation de la legislation ségrégationniste. Il dirige le boycattage pendant un an et quelques semaines plus tard la segregation soit interdict dans les bus de la ville.

In one thousand nine hundred fifty-five, king lead the boycott bus of Montgomery afterwards arrest of Rosa Park. She did not want to leave her place on a bus. He manage the boycott until on years and some weeks later the segregation is forbidden on a bus in city.

In 1957, he found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). He create a group for have equality between African American and White. The SCLC motto was “not one hair of one head of one person should be harmed”. He would remain at the helm of this influential organisation until his death.

He create a march on Washington on August 28 1963. They is some 200 000 to 300 000 participants. This event marked American history and a factor in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

c) his speech :

In his speech Martin Luter King explains at first the symbolism of the place of the speech. He calls back so for example that, in spite of the Proclamation of emancipation the blacks not sound always not free because they are always victims of segregation and discrimination

It also makes reference to the declaration of independence of July 4 one thousand seven hundred seventy six, by dreaming that one day this nation will get up and will live the real sense of its faith "We hold these truths as being obvious, that the men are born equal"

In this declaration we promised to all the people, blacks as white, rights to liberty, in the happiness

He demands the freedom, the security and the justice for all He encourages his people to a peaceful fight, in a high concern of dignity and discipline

He dreams about equality, about brotherhood, "of a place where the small blacks


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