Martin Luther King
Fiche : Martin Luther King. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar GOSSO Maïwenn • 2 Octobre 2019 • Fiche • 354 Mots (2 Pages) • 511 Vues
It was now fifty years... Our hero has died, it was a king, our preacher was assassinated. All his life, he abolishes the segregation in the USA. You know this man?
Just for reminding: Martin Luther King was born in 1929, in Atlanta (Georgia). He went to a black school because is the segregation and he couldn’t go with his white friends. After the school, like his father, he would be a preacher. It’s my favorite preacher.
Oh, I forget to introduce myself… I’m Lilly Tows, a black reporter. Also, I’m a child when Martin Luther King is a preacher and I went to church with my family all the sunday an is our favorite preacher, so when he assumed the leadership of the Rosa Parks movement, all the village is with him. Therefor, this is why I write an article about him today.
Martin Luther King change a lot things in my life and all the life of the black people, like the diversity in the school for example, he is the leader in the Civils Rights Movement.
All started in 1955, during the movement Rosa Parks, in summary Rosa Parks is a black girl, arrested by the police because she sat in the white section in the car and she refused to let a place consequently she didn’t respect a Jim Crow law. Martin Luther King had lain a boycott against the bus company. One year ago, he won because Rosa Parks was released.
Against that, in 1963 the segregation is finished, at last after almost 100 years, it’s a very long time. So, my children went to the same school as the white, the restaurant, the fountain, the bus are for all the people black or white. And very important, the black man or woman were not a slave to the white.
Unfortunately, ago fifty years in 1968, James Earl Ray assassinated Martin Luther King, it’s a real shock to the nation.
Martin Luther King will remain in our head because he’s an angel for the USA and all the population know Martin Luther King for a commitment at same his country.
Lilly Tows, 2018