MYTHS AND HEROES : sex equality
Dissertation : MYTHS AND HEROES : sex equality. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Lola Couprie • 8 Mai 2019 • Dissertation • 362 Mots (2 Pages) • 620 Vues
I’m going to speak about “myths and heroes”. To begin with, I’d like to state a brief definition of notion.
A myth is a popular story, which tries to guide the society toward values, or some ideal. Usually, it’s composed of unreal fact and actions, often led by a Hero. A hero is a courageous person who is ready to sacrifice himself to rescue other people. Some heroes are famous for standing up against devil like superheroes.
Whereas, some heroes are real-life persons who rebel against a given order they refused.
First, I will talk about a modern myth with a film of Nigel Cole start in 2010.
“We want sex equality” is a film showing the women’s lives working in a Ford Factory in United Kingdom during the 1960’s.
This movie present the life of Rita O’ Grady, employed in a Ford factory who will rebel against the system will lead a movement towards equal pay for men and woman.
She’s going to be one of the leading actresses in the strike movements during the year 1968.
In a second part, we will go to talk about a woman
For many years, women are more and more present in films but still far too little compared to men. That is what the actress Gina Davis noticed, woman and mother of 3 children, who during his son’s birthday, found a profound lack ok female characters in family films.
In her interview, she takes the example of the success film, the Frozen start in 2012.
More and more, women are present in our screens as the main figures, women of character, such as Hungers games or brad made. Independent women or in possession of weapons that represents power. Despite that women are still less prominent than men
Then, she began to collect date to support her thesis and shows that woman account for less than 20% of the roles in films.
She created an institute on gender in the media that studies gender representation and advocates for women.
To conclude, the fight of woman to assert their equality has been going on for many years now through films, animations or the voices of many famous women.