Lady Gaga
Dissertation : Lady Gaga. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar zhinafouifoui • 8 Mars 2019 • Dissertation • 311 Mots (2 Pages) • 611 Vues
I can only talk about one person: Lady Gaga. She is occupying my mind every single day and she is at the same time my biggest joy and my worst tragedy.
I saw her for the first time on a TV series called American Horror Story; seated on a soft couch, gorgeous in her posture, of countenance rather irregular though provocative, impetuous. Proud of her beauty, proud of her vices maybe, she was here like the queen of pleasure, like the emblem of human pride. Every single show she did was more shocking and beautiful than the previous. She represented the world I wanted to live in.
Gaga was encouraging every Little Monster to be them self. She actively supported LGBT rights worldwide. In addition, Mother Monsters launched a non-profit foundation: Born this way, that focuses on youth empowerment. She seemed flawless to me. The Queen of Pop was exactly what I wanted to be. I started worshipping her because she valided me in a way nobody ever did before. She made me desire some inaccessible paradise. She let me think I was special. Despite of others she talled me I had something to offer to the world.
That's why I hated her. Now that I’m sixteen, I know how empty I am, I’m sure I’ll die unknown. Without having even met the woman I dreamed of my all life! She throws me in the world without joy, because I have no illusions. I will never be Her.
1. Avez-vous respecté la conjugaison à la troisième personne ?
2. Faites-vous bien la distinction entre les substantifs et les adjectifs ?
3. Avez-vous proposé des phrases contenant plusieurs propositions ?
4. Avez-vous choisi la construction appropriée après chaque mot de liaison ?
5. Avez-vous utilisé des expressions d’opinion ?
6. Avez-vous pensé à utiliser des expressions de contraste pour comparer de manière directe les deux célébrités ?