L'Ile aux fleurs
Dissertation : L'Ile aux fleurs. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar hugodevremy • 9 Avril 2021 • Dissertation • 878 Mots (4 Pages) • 520 Vues
Questions :
- Why do you think this film won the international ‘Silver Bear’ prize at the Berlin Film Festival in 1989 ?
I think this film won this award in 1989, because it ends up giving general truths about life. It is devastatingly true at times. It shows the problems and limits of a consumer society, based on money.
Moreover, the final word is "Free" and we know that in 1989 this feeling of freedom is in the minds of many Germans even though the festival took place before the fall of the Berlin Wall.
- What does this film try to describe?
The three key words in this short film are: people, tomatoes and pigs.
This film highlights the problems of our consumer society. The narrator speaks throughout, telling many general truths. The words and images are very well chosen to shock the viewer and leave him stunned by all the evidence put before his eyes.
- Which visual and linguistic techniques were used to surprise the viewers, attract their attention and help them to better understand this subject ?
The techniques used to shock the viewer are very well mastered.
Several times the narrator tells us that "'the human being is distinguished from other animals by his highly developed tele-brain and his prehensile thumb", so that the film ends with an image of a human being eating food that is inedible for pigs.
The images and words are very strong, they make the viewer really aware.
- Which animals were shown and for which reasons ?
The pigs are shown twice, once to be bought by Anette to be eaten. Then the second, at the end, to make the comparison with human beings and shock the audience.
The hen (or chicken) is shown several times to show the evolution of human beings.
- What are your personal opinions about this short film and the subjects it talked about ? My personal opinions on the film and the issues it deals with are that it is well made. It allows the viewer to have a real awareness. It highlights the different problems of our consumer society. Moreover, the neutral voice of the narrator makes it seem as if the whole system is obvious to everyone.
- How would you have changed this film to make it even better ?
I don't think we would need to change this film. It implicitly deals with the limits of our society. It all starts with a tomato grown by Suzuki.
- Which 4 nations are the richest and poorest in the world(GDP) ? Why !
The two richest nations are the USA and China, because on the one hand the Americans own the big brands and groups like Nike apple Microsoft and on the other hand, China has so many workers that many companies have relocated to China which increases its GDP. China lends money to many countries. Burundi and South Sudan are the poorest countries in the world
- Globally, how many people earn $10 or less every day ?
Almost 46% of the world's population lives on less than €5.50 a day
- Despite being rich in natural resources, why do you think that there are so few millionaires and billionaires in South America and Africa ?
Because many people in Africa take advantage of the misfortune of other people. Many heads of state embezzle money. In Africa many countries are affected by corruption.
- Internationally, how many people still don’t have easy access to clean drinking water free health, a bank account and internet ?
4.2 billion people lacked access to safely managed sanitation services in 2017.
- France is one of the wealthiest nations with a generous social security system ! Why therefore do we see some poor people asking for money in the streets and 14.1% (INSEE 2017) of french citizens live below the poverty line ? Maybe in 2021, fewer people find themselves in this category !
Because French people are always asking for more social solutions without wanting to be taxed. If in 40 years people paid at the SMIC cannot become owners, it is because they have spent their money in a wrong way. France is the country where there is the most social aid and the French still ask for more without wanting to pay more taxes.