Introductions type pour l'oral d'anglais
Fiche : Introductions type pour l'oral d'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar EntyEntwistle • 4 Janvier 2017 • Fiche • 1 704 Mots (7 Pages) • 1 155 Vues
I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. Firstly, i would like to define those terms. A myth is a story created by a popular belief or a tradition so it can be true or false. And it survives to the time as long as it does. Then, a hero is a person admired for his brave achivements, this qualities and his courage. This person can be real, famous or not and also fictional.
To speak about this notion, i've chosen to talk about the royal family of the United Kingdom and more precisly of its image in order to answer to the question : « How the myth of the royal family was degraded and what is its image today? »
In class, we have studied the relation between the royal family and subjets of the Kingdom. There is a strong link, indeed, the Queen Elisabeth II symbolizes the monarchy. Morover, her official portrait shows her grace, her power through her crown and sparkling jewels. She looks like gracious and benelovant as a mother is for her children.
However, her portrait was caricatured, in this new one she looks ugly and old. It is definatly an unflatering portrait because at the time, her ex daughter in law Lady Diana, who was very appricied with people in the world and maintly subjects, died in a tragic car crash in 1997. Queen Elisabeth didn't show any emotion and she seemed not to care whereas subjects expected to her to express her feelings.
Moreover, some people created groups against the Queen. For instance, the rock band Sex Pistol wrote a song in parody to the national anthem « God save the Queen » with negative lyrics and finally we saw that it exists a Republican political group wanted to abolished monarchy.
We saw that all of these arguments degrade the myth of perfect harmony of the Kingdom. Nowdays, since prince William, son of the late lamented Lady Diana met and married Kate Middleton, subjects and the entire world were glad for this couple.
I'm going to talk about the notion of the Idea of Progress. Firstly i would like to define the term of progress. So it is the idea of development in order to make our life better and it can be scientific, technical or social. It shows how the world can change through the time.
To speak about this notion, i've chosen to talk especially about the social progress throught the evolution of the image of women in the american society during the 20th century. And than We may wonder Does a society make progress when the position of women evolves ?
In class, we have studied several documents about that and we saw that women were always considered as inferior to men. And it is only in 1920 that women got the right to vote. It was one of main events in this century. Nevertheless, they were still inferior because at this time, women's rôle was to stay at home and to take care of children. They were considered as not to able to work because the could be pragnant for exemple.
Then, during the second world war in 1939, all of men had to leave their job to fight. So the gouvernment encourages with propaganda to take their places and show how women can be powerful working women. However, after the world war, all of men came back and women were forced to leace these jobs and return at home.
We saw some advertisements of 50's which men are wearing an elegant suit and holding their wife as protectors. Their wife are beaming and look like glad. It suggests that the man have the elading rôle and only he brings back money at home and also that woman was exepted only to be pretty and clean the house uncomplainingly.
I'm going to talk about the notion of « Space and Exchanges ». First of all, i will give a definition of those terms. The space may designate geographical places as countries, as the area around us, it's like the entiere world. And exchanges are interactions between different things in the world like people, information, culture, trade. We see that it (exchanges) appears on several forms.
To speak about this notion, we will focus on people exchange through the journey of immigrants to the Unites States by showing the pros and cons of these trips and what are they except?
In classe, we have studied several documents about that, the fisrt one is a comic strip which deals with unskilles jobs that immigrants do when they came in the US especially in Arizona. Arizona is a border state with Mexico and a lot of mexicans work illegally in US in order to have a better life We can read the sentence « I'm just doing the job that you won't do! », it means that all menial jobs such as dishwasher, farmer, fishmonger, cleaner, gardener are reserved to immigrants.