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India, oral d'anglais

Fiche : India, oral d'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Mai 2017  •  Fiche  •  705 Mots (3 Pages)  •  817 Vues

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I'm going to talk about «the idea of progress». Today, we are living in a world where the globalization and the new technologies help some countries to develop. This developed countries are for example India, China, Brazil, South Africa,... The progress is at the heart of these societies. It's a technological progress, a scientifical progress, and on the top: a social progress. The social progress is related to the evolution of minds, and is also to the impact of  western 's courtries. So, the progress change a country and sometimes, can oppose to traditions. So, we wonder : Why is India said to be a country of contradictions ? India is an emerging country, with many inequalities and whose developement is slows down by deep-rooted traditions.

On the one hand we discover a country which contains deep inequalities between the future of men and that of women. In India women are subjected to the authority of their husbands. So, it's very difficult for them to be self-confident, to assert thermselves. They live in their shadow, they are devoted to take care of their children, their husbands and they are sentenced to look after the family house. Also, this inferior position is strenghtened by the dowry tradition. When a couple is getting married, the bride has to give a gift to the future husband's family . Consequently, families are eager to have sons who are financially more attractive. Otherwise, not only, they will have to spend a lot of money but they know also that their daughter is faced to a compromised future. Indeed, in India, it's very difficult for women to evolve in their work or even to build a successful career. Which was unthinkable until now. So, different means are employed to avoid to have a little girl. Unfortunetaly in India there are « gendercides ». That corresponds to an infanticide of a little girls. In fear of the future, indian families get rid of theirs daugthers. It is a tragic phenomenon.

We can understand that India is a country which is profoundly linked to the old traditions. But, they are unfair and discriminant and this can slows down the development of India.

In contradiction with this aspect, we discover processes whose the goal is to help women to assert themselves. For example, microcredits which consist in granting small loans to people who can't get loans from traditional banks because they are too poor. The system has enabled many Indian people and particulary Dalit women to start their own business.

Also, since 1970 (ninteen seventy) abortion is legal and it's used by pregnant women to choose the sex of their child. That is why Indian women abort when they are pregnant of a little girl. However, this practice is prohibited.

To conclude on this point we can say that India represents a country of deep inequalities between men and women. The Indian dowry tradition could explain why sons are financially more attractive than daughters. So that it has been a male dominated society. But thanks to the western influence, India is really changing.

On the second hand we notice this change through the last 30 years (thirty). We observe an evolution in percentage of GDP of the 3 main sectors of activity. While the agriculture and industry sectors have both decreased in share of GDP, that of the services has increased dramatically. We also note that farms are giving way to factories and car plants, that Indian companies now buy foreign companies. Concerning children : lower caste children go to college. Concerning couples : they can divorce and women are breadwinners thanks to microcredits. And concerning population : people are free to be vegetarian or to eat meat.


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