Exposé sur Martin Luther King
Dissertation : Exposé sur Martin Luther King. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Princesse Kidzié • 11 Mai 2020 • Dissertation • 1 398 Mots (6 Pages) • 745 Vues
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Martin Luther King (1929-1968) is an African-American pastor who fought for the equality of the rights of the Blacks in the United States.
Pastor in Montgomery (in Alabama), Martin Luther King takes in 1955 the defense of a black worker, stopped to have refused to yield her place to a white passenger in the bus.
To this time indeed, the Blacks don't have some same rights that the Whites in the United States, in particular in the State of the South that practices the racial discrimination. In order to show his opposition, Martin Luther King organizes the boycott of the municipal buses during more of one year. He is jailed some months, but gets the abolition of the segregation finally in the public transportation of the city of Montgomery.
In the lineage of Gandhi in India, Martin Luther King defends the nonviolent methods to get more reforms. In 1957, he creates the Conference of the Christian leaders of the South (SCLC). Then in August 1963, he organizes an important pacific walk on the capital, Washington DC, for the equality of the rights. On this occasion, he pronounces before 200 000 people a speech become famous, in which he evokes his dream of an egalitarian society between Blacks and Whites ("I have a dream… ").
In 1964, Martin Luther King receives the Nobel Prize of the peace. He is murdered in Memphis April 4, 1968 by a White. Close to 100 000 people attend to his funeral ceremony.
Martin luther king, after having had courage to sacrifice his being even while taking in danger his life, he continues with several struggles and be pronounced in favor of the non-violence in struggle against the racial segregation and says: " […] and by your suffering and your will to accept the strokes without answering there, you get then in situation to influence your adversary's behavior, you unveil his moral values and make it vulnerable… "
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King, Martin Luther (1929-1968), African-American pastor, prize-winning of the Nobel prize of the peace, one of the main leaders of the African-American movement for the equality of the rights and the nonviolent resistance to the racial oppression. Martin Luther King was born at Atlanta, in Georgia, January 15, 1929. He was ordered Baptist minister to seventeen years, took graduate of the Seminary of Crozer, in 1951, and pursued postgraduate studies in the university of Boston.
It is whereas he was brought to be interested in the work of Gandhi, whose ideas became the heart of his own philosophy, founded on the non-violence. He/it got married in June 1953 and, the following year, accepted pastor's station at the Baptist church of Dexter Avenue in Montgomery, in Alabama.
The same year, the Supreme court of the United States proscribed all segregation in the public teaching. Following this decision, the South, where the discriminatory measures were always applied, was the target of an opposition movement without precedent. In 1955, King was invited to take the head of a movement of boycott of the buses of Montgomery in protest against the application of the racial segregation in the public transportation (a black worker, who had refused to give his place to a white passenger, had just been stopped). Martin Luther King was stopped, jailed and received numerous threats of death. The boycott ended in 1956 thanks to a decision of the Supreme court forbidding all segregation in the public transportation of the city. It was the first manifest victory of the nonviolent action. He participated then in the foundation of the Conference of the Christian leaders of the South (SCLC), of which he received the presidency.
In 1960, King abandoned its pastorate in Montgomery to share with his its father charges it of pastor of the Baptist church of Ebenezer in Atlanta, initiative that allowed him to take a more active part in the national direction of the movement for the equality of the rights. To this time, the black leadership underwent a radical transformation. After having put the accent previously on the reconciliation, he now asked for the change "by all existing means". New more radical leaders and the more extremist movements emerged, as the Black Muslims of Malcolm X and the Black Power. Of the disputes opposing, on the plans ideological and jurisdictional, the SCLC to the other groups became unavoidable, but his leader's prestige permitted to assure that the non-violence stays the official fashion of resistance.