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Par   •  20 Avril 2021  •  Étude de cas  •  636 Mots (3 Pages)  •  447 Vues

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Vernier                                                                    C.E Anglais                                                                                                1èreG2


  1. For Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne the future of work is « that nearly half of all jobs in the United States could be lost to machines within the next twenty years » they said that after looked at seven hundred kinds of work. The most impacted and susceptible to automation will be « loan officers, receptionists, paralegals, store clerks, taxi drivers, and security guards. Even computer programmers will not be immune ». To conclude, the future of work for them is a total automation of all trades but first half of all jobs in United states could be lost in 20years.
  1. The work situation in United States in the 1930s is that the mechanization of the railways put nearly half a million people out of work and brought down unemployment to nearly 24 percent in 1932, dropped to less than 5 percent a decade later. The situation don’t last because after bring people on « technological unemployment » considered like a transitory condition « a temporary phase of maladjustment » they don’t know what to do with these people because as it say in the document « our discovery of means of economizing the use of labour outrunning the pace at which we can find new uses for labour ». Finaly they don't know what to give to do at these people who have been replaced by machines.
  1. The work of airline pilots have evolved over time because « even where automation does not eliminate jobs, it often changes the nature of work » it’s what happend to airline pilots, now pilots are at the controls for less than three minutes spending most of their flight time staring at computer screens while automated systems do the actual flying. The fact of being totally dependent at computer data even in the face of contradictory physical evidence, can be dangerous, but also because « manual flying skills decay quite rapidly towards the fringes of ‘tolerable’ performance without relatively frequent practice. » It’s means the less the pilot is stimulated to fly by himself the moreits adaptation time and responsiveness is slow in case of problems with automatic controls so it’s even more dangerous.
  1. The word « deskilling » used by Carr in his book is used to describe the laziness that can happen by relying on the capabilities of machines. There is therefore a loss of skills but still an intellectual laziness that can settle or as in some profession like « Doctors who cede authority to machines to read X-rays and make diagnoses, architects who rely increasingly on computer-assisted design programs, marketers who place ads based on algorithms, traders who no longer trade ». To conclued the word « deskilling » talk about relying on an artificial intelligence to focus on his job rather than using his brain.


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