Ellis Island..
Fiche : Ellis Island... Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar janou12 • 23 Octobre 2017 • Fiche • 344 Mots (2 Pages) • 702 Vues
- Now explore Ellis Island. Go on the guided tour in order to complete the text.
More than _________________ immigrants made their first stop in America at the Ellis Island _______________ _______________ between 1892 and 1954. The trip across the Atlantic Ocean was rough so most passengers were ______________ when they arrived in New York Harbor. One of the first things they saw was ________________________, which has stood on its own island in the harbor since 1886. _____________________ would board the ship in the harbor and look for signs of _____________. If the ship passed their inspection, doctors then would ________________ the health of ____________ and ______________ class passengers on the ship, so that they were processed and could land quickly.[pic 1][pic 2]
But ________________ passengers often would wait for hours or days until a ferryboat took them to _______________________ for immigration __________________. After leaving their belongings, they went to the Registry Room where the _________________ and legal __________________ took place.
First a uniformed doctor looked for any signs of _____________ or contagious _____________. If someone was considered a ___________ to the public _____________, they were marked , taken out of the ____________ and kept for ______________ examination. Those who were detained for medical reasons lived in a dormitory room on the third floor or were treated at the island ‘s ______________ . They might wait a few days or even a month. Then their case would be __________________ and a Board of Special Inquiry would decide whether to _____________ them into the United States or to ______________ them _____________ [pic 3][pic 4]
Immigrants who passed the medical exam continued toward the far end of the hall for the______________ inspection.One by one, they were called forward to ____________ with a uniformed _______________ . _________________ helped the immigrants communicate. [pic 5]
For most people, Ellis Island was the "Isle of ______________." Their long journey was finally over. They were in America.
But for the unfortunate few who failed the health or legal inspections, it was the "Isle of ______________ »