Dialogue sur le harcèlement
TD : Dialogue sur le harcèlement. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar okay_1 • 15 Novembre 2022 • TD • 291 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 142 Vues
Bulllying dialogue
A- Hey, I have to tell you something.
M- What’s wrong? Are you feeling bad?
A- Yes, I’m feel really sad. Some people in my class leave me out of activities, sometimes they hit me. Yesterday , they humiliated me in front of every body like a bystander nobody reacted. I don’t want return at school tomorrow.
M- I’m sorry for you, if I can try to help you for stop you bullying, you should tell me I’m here. I can also just support you and lisent what you have to say.
A- This is exactly why I’m came to see you. So do you have any advices for me?
M- Yes, I have many advices for you. I think you have better to speak about that at an adult like your dad, mom or one of your teacher at school for they can solve the problem. If you feel stressed or anxious maybe I could company you.
A- You know I don’t have a good self-esteem of me so when I’have heard them laughing about me and my body, that makes me cry.
M- They are idiots, don’t worry about that.
A- Anyway thinks you for your advices.
M- Your welcome.
A- So goodbye.
M- Goodbye A.
Du coup c’est un dialogue sur le harcèlement en classe en anglais. Je pense que vous pouvez tous avoir un très bonne note avec celui-ci c’est pourquoi je vous le partage. Bonne chance à tous dans vos révisons j’espère que vous aurez une bonne note pour continuer dans votre lancer. Force et courage ainsi que beaucoup de motivation serons vos mots d’ordres pour votre avenir. Supportons nous mutuellement pour aller plus loin dans nos futures études. Sur ces mots d’encouragement je vous laisse. Auteur inconnu