Arche ballerines 37,tbe
Analyse sectorielle : Arche ballerines 37,tbe. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar julisamat2504J • 21 Mars 2020 • Analyse sectorielle • 660 Mots (3 Pages) • 639 Vues
Anglais : Le discours indirect
Le discours indirect en anglais est, comme en français, le fait de rapporter les paroles d’un personnages. Generalement, les verbes de paroles les + utilisé sont he told me, he said me, he asked me etc. A noter, certains mots changent et sont à retenir. Quelques exemples :
tomorrow →the next day / yesterday →the day before
le surlendemain →two days later / the next week →the following week. etc
Pour finir, la transformation la plus importante du discours direct vers le discours indirect est de changer le temps du verbe. Le verbe étant au PRESENT au discours direct, devient au PRETERIT au discours indirect maintenant etc, a respecter, la concordance des temps. Attention à bien le conjuguer un verbe s’il est irrégulier. Ex : will deviendra would etc.
Entrainement (et savoir l’expliquer) – Transforme au discours indirect
- « I am at school. » → She told me (that) she was at school.
- « Where can I find a bookshop ? » → He asked me where he could find a bookshop.
- « What time is it ? » → He asked me what time it was.
- « Vincent may work tomorrow. » → He told me that Vincent might work the next day.
- « She will go to London next week. » → She told me she would go to London the following week.
- « She came two days ago » → She told me she had come two days before.
- « Who is Peter ? » → He asked me who Peter was.
- « Whose red coat isdit ? » → He asked me whose red coat it was.
- « The webmaster’s name is Laurent. » → He told me that the webmaster’s name was Laurent.
10) « Mum is ill. » → He said me mum was ill.
11) « I want to buy a new car, but I don’t know which one to buy. → He said that he wanted to buy a new car, but he didn’t know which one to buy.
12) « I am going to sell my car » → He told me he was going to sell his car.
13) « It is hot in here ; I will open the window. » → He said that it was hot and he would open the window.
14) « I have lost my key. » → He said that he has lost his key.
15) « He’ll come soon. » → He told me he would come soon.
16) « How good are you at maths ? » → She asked me how good I was at maths.
17) « I’ve seen you before. » → He said he had seen her before.
18) « Tom, come home before 7 ! » → She told Tom to come home before 7.
19) Tim : « I need a long holiday. » → Tom said that he needed a long holiday.
20) Nancy : « Why does he read so many magazines ? » → Nancy asked me why does he read so many magazines.
21) Lisa : « How long will Aunt Mary stay ? » → Lisa asked how long Aunt Mary would stay.