Fiche de lecture : Anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar sarahdogan • 10 Octobre 2015 • Fiche de lecture • 901 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 376 Vues
Dogan Sarah
How the Britain colonization of Austalian took place and, with which consequences for what we shall call later the stolen generation?
Written documents
- Extracts of the book «My Place» written by Sally Morgan
Audio/Video documents
- The first episode of the serie «The First Australians» created by Rachel Perkins (2008)
- The movie « Rabbit-Proof Fence » directed by Phillip Noyce (2002)
To answer the question right away is not possible. One must first wonder what colinization
means. Colinization is the act of colonizing, the etablishment of colonies. The word colonies
is a key word. How could we define this word ? It refers to a region politically controlled by
a distant country, a dependency. The European countries started to colonize countries in the
second half on the 18th century. On my side, I choose to speak about the British colinization
of Australia. But, before speaking about the british colonization of Australia first think is to
understand when and why the British colonized Australia. The British started to colonize the
«New Holland » (Australia was called like that because the first who discovered it was a the
Dutsh navigator Willem Janszoon) in 1788 because in that time Britain knew the
phenomenon of overcrowding and the lost their American colonies. We can wonder how the
colonization tool place in Australia and with which consequences ? Indeed, except the
economic, cultural... consequences I wanted to study specifically the consequences for what
we shall call later the stolen generation.
To begin with I would underline that the European exploration in order to find the Great
South Land started in 1400 until 1780. Indeed, in 1780 an english lieutnant named James
Cook charted the Australian east coast with his ship called Endeavour. The englishman
claimed the east coast under instruction from the King «on 22 August 1770 at Possession
Island, naming eastern Australia 'New South Wales'» (document 1). In 1786, the British
government decided to «start a convict settlement in the New South Wales » (document 2)
to take them away from the British territory. The first fleet constituted of 11 ships and more
than hundred people arrived in 1788, this moment marked the beginning of The Australia as
a british colony. The British never signed an agreement with the Aborigines (around 600
tribes) who were the first australian inhabitants. Initially, «relations between the explorers
and the Aboriginal inhabitants were generally hospitable » (document 1). We can saw that in
the first episode of the serie «First Australians» wherein friendships formed between the two
groups. However, these relations became hostile when the Aborigines realised that they
were expelled from their land and gothered in reservations. A campaign of resistance
started and the British who used them as labour force started to kill the Aborigines so we
can speak about a genocide. It was in this context that the colonization took place. The