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Commentaire de texte : ANALYSE DE DOCUMENT EN ANGLAIS (EXEMPLE). Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Février 2019  •  Commentaire de texte  •  954 Mots (4 Pages)  •  3 024 Vues

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Nowadays we are more and more raise awareness among the sustainable development. Thus, some text tries to raise awareness of environmental issues especially pollution, over consumption and food waste. This text is part of it. We try to give a better world to future generations. This text is an article from the United Kingdom weekly news newspaper: THE ECONOMIST issued in august 2016. The title is “why wasting food is bad for the planet”. This article deals with the problem of the wasting food and the environmental and economic impact for the planet. That's why, now I will study this document with 3 parts:

  • First, I will sum up the text
  • Then I will show some important points to note
  • And I will try to broaden the scope of the analysis

First, it seems obvious that this text is divided into 4 parts hence the 4 paragraphs:

  • At first, the journalist exposes the situations
  • Then, he lists the environmental consequences of food waste
  • Thereafter, it denounces the main countries concerned
  • Finally, it presents some concrete solutions existing now


        So, in this article the journalist presents in the first place the alarmist among of food thrown or wasted each year, namely 1.3 billion tones. It's shocking!

        In the second place, we can read the environmental consequences, especially the pollution and greenhouse gases, caused by fertilizer, or fuel of tractors for example. However, it's important to notice that there is not only the food that wasted but also the water which is however very precious on earth.

        Thus, the journalist insists on those responsible: the "rich word" and blame the Europe of not worry about this problem. He announces also a comparison with India and the "poor country" who are problem to eat.

        Finally, the solutions presented are in particularity: avoid the useless purchase

, encourage the grocery to donate with the association for example their unsalable products like Italy or France trying to apply it…


A sentence in this text caught my attention. Indeed, the journalist starts by a pessimist sentence “Humanity squanders a third of all the food it produces”. I want to react about it because with a similar assessment, can you say really waste can be brought to disappear? Can we imagine being able to recycle everything in the future? Thus, this sentence will be the root of my reflection for my commentary.


My commentary is divided into 2 steps:

  • I will start to analyse the economic and environmental issues
  • Then, I will study the possible solutions


        At first, why the population are concerned about the wasting food? Since food crisis in 2007 – 2008 the states of the world and especially the G20 have come together to debate and try to find a solution. Thus, they understood that we had to be more responsible especially the rich countries. Indeed, for example in UK the prime minister Gordon Brown supported the launch of many campaigns especially « Love Food Hate Waste ». This campaign allowed to avoid 137 000 tons of waste food only between 2007 and 2009.


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