Yuri Gagarin
Dissertation : Yuri Gagarin. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 10 Avril 2013 • Dissertation • 850 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 028 Vues
Yuri Gagarin was born in Klushino, a small village west of Moscow in Russia (then known as the Soviet Union). Yuri was the third of four children and spent his childhood on a collective farm where his father, Alexey Ivanovich Gagarin, worked as a carpenter and bricklayer and his mother, Anna Timofeyevna Gagarina, worked as a milkmaid.
In 1941, Yuri Gagarin was just seven years old when the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union. Life was difficult during the war and the Gagarins were kicked out of their home. The Nazis also sent Yuri's two sisters to Germany to work as forced laborers.
Gagarin Learns to Fly
In school, Yuri Gagarin loved both mathematics and physics. He continued on to a trade school, where he learned to be a metalworker and then went on to an industrial school. It was at the industrial school in Saratov that he joined a flying club. Gagarin learned quickly and was obviously at ease in a plane. He made his first solo flight in 1955.
Since Gagarin had discovered a love of flying, he joined the Soviet Air Force. Gagarin's skills led him to the Orenburg Aviation School where he learned to fly MiGs. On the same day he graduated from Orenburg with top honors in November 1957, Yuri Gagarin married his sweetheart, Valentina ("Valy") Ivanovna Goryacheva. (The couple eventually had two daughters together.)
After graduating, Gagarin was sent on some missions. However, while Gagarin enjoyed being a fighter pilot, what he really wanted to do was to go to space. Since he had been following the Soviet Union's progress in space flight, he was confident that soon they would be sending a man into space. He wanted to be that man; so he volunteered to be a cosmonaut.
Gagarin Applies to Be a Cosmonaut
Yuri Gagarin was just one of 3,000 applicants to be the first Soviet cosmonaut. Out of this large pool of applicants, just 20 were chosen in 1960 to be the Soviet Union's first cosmonauts; Gagarin was one of the 20.
During the extensive physical and psychological testing required of the chosen cosmonaut trainees, Gagarin excelled at the tests while maintaining a calm demeanor as well as his sense of humor. Later, Gagarin would be chosen to be the first man into space because of these skills. (It also helped that he was short in stature since Vostok 1's capsule was small.) Cosmonaut trainee Gherman Titov was chosen to be the backup in case Gagarin was unable to make the first space flight.
Youri Gagarine est né en Klushino, un petit village à l'ouest de Moscou en Russie (alors connu comme l'Union soviétique). Yuri est le troisième de quatre enfants et a passé son enfance dans une ferme collective où son père, Alekseï Ivanovitch Gagarine, a travaillé comme charpentier et maçon et sa mère, Anna Timoféïevna Gagarina, a travaillé comme fille de ferme.
En 1941, Youri Gagarine n'avait que sept ans quand les nazis ont envahi l'Union soviétique. La vie était difficile pendant la guerre et les Gagarins ont été chassés de leur maison. Les nazis ont également envoyé Yuri deux sœurs en Allemagne pour y travailler comme travailleurs forcés.
Gagarine apprend à voler
À l'école, Youri Gagarine aimait les mathématiques et la physique. Il