What is a leader?
Dissertation : What is a leader?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar ilhamb • 29 Avril 2017 • Dissertation • 505 Mots (3 Pages) • 762 Vues
A leader is a person that leads a group. A leader should have many traits such as honesty, confidence, commitment, communication, positive attitude, and an unmistakable fervor and bravado when it’s time to take tough decisions. A leader should be honest with his team and by doing so they influence their followers to do the same. They should also be confident, they should show others that everything will be okay no matter what happens and this allows the people following the leader to feel safe and improve their work. Without commitment, a leader cannot get the results they want from their team; they must work and participate just as hard to show the team what they should do as well. Communication is a very important trait; a leader must be able to transmit their message sagely to their follower in order to accomplish their goal. Finally, a leader should have a positive attitude towards their team; they should be willing to understand their follower’s problems and help eliminate them to achieve a better environment, even intersperse their tactics if they are not met with success. However, we have two types of leaders; good leaders and bad leaders.
Good leaders go beyond just the basic traits of a leader. A great leader knows that they must make the daunting choices and protect their followers. Good leaders should gain respect and honor from the people they lead so that they can listen to each other to have better ideas and develop them together; this can only be done if the leader respects their team first. Good leaders push the people they’re leading to be their best and work hard on what they’re supposed to do to
make things go well. Finally, good leaders should know everything about the team such as their weaknesses and strengths. However, there are some leaders who haven’t well developed the traits of a leader let alone a good leader.
Bad leaders exist as well. Either they are not born natural leaders or they do not work hard enough to improve themselves as leaders. There are many types of leaders such as the ones that are not honest with their team so that will create a problem between the leader and the team, so then the team will be suspicious and will not trust the leader anymore. Bad leaders do not listen to their team’s ideas, instead they focus on brandishing their authority. Bad leaders also have poor communication with their team because they do not properly explain what needs to be improved, they use derision as a way to pass their message. Finally, whether it is insecurity or demure, bad leaders dismiss their team’s ideas to use their own because of their own ego.
In conclusion, we know that there are several types of leaders but mainly we have the good ones and the bad ones. Depending on each person and the leadership traits they choose to develop and improve, that is what differentiates between a good leader, an average leader and a bad leader.