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Vocabulaire d'anglais.

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Par   •  10 Décembre 2017  •  Cours  •  3 097 Mots (13 Pages)  •  994 Vues

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Biased: preference, leasing

Chauvinistic: spread-eagle

Differentiated: separate

Discriminated: maid an injuste or prejudicicial distinction

Judged: try, assess, decide

Prejudiced: biased, preconceived, prepossessed

Racist: bigoted, prejudiced, discriminatory, chauvinist

Rejected: undesirable, repudiated, unwelcome

Selected: prefered, chosen



  • To biased about someone= To be influenced by somebody.
  • To draw a distinction= To make a difference between two things or persons.
  • To be intolerant with somebody= Don’t accept any false for a particular person, all must be right.
  • To be prejudiced against someone= A person who is victim of a prejudices


Work/difficulty: adjectives:

strained: it's when you are very stressed

arduous: it's when a work is very hard and long

exhausting, exhausted/ tiring, tired: it's when you are very tired, you don,t have any energy

hard: not simple

heavy: you can have heavy responsibility or a luggage can be heavy, it's something with a big weiht

strenuous: a strenuous person is someone who works well and very seriously

tiresome: it's Something who tires you, something boring

tough: it's Something hard not simple to realize

wearying: it's like tiresome



To differentiate: Recognize or ascertain what makes (someone or something) different.

To discriminate: Make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, sex, or age.

To distinguish: Recognize or treat (someone or something) as different.

To separate: Forming or viewed as a unit apart or by itself.

To tell apart: Distinguish or separate one from another.

Equality : Adjectives

  • Balanced : stable position of a person.
  • Egalitarian : Person wanting equality between all people.
  • Equal : Which is the same. 
  • Even : Used to mark the persistence of the action or state. 
  • Fair : Just. 
  • Identical : Two elements that look a like. 
  • Like : At what point. 
  • Matched : Equal. 
  • Proportionate : Relative to a quantity related to another. 
  • Regular : Ordinary, current, which occurs regularly. A common fact is repeated many times. 
  • Uniform : Whose appearance is the same.


Work/difficulty, adjectives:

Strained: someone strained is physically tired.

Arduous: something arduous requires lot of energy. à Tiring, challenging

Exhausting/ exhausted, tiring/tired: someone exhausted is drained of strength or energy.

Hard: Difficult to do/ accomplish: it involves a great deal of effort and energy.

Heavy: A suitcase of great weight is hard to lift or carry.

Strenuous: a strenuous work is vigorous, energetic, and tiring.

Tiresome: something tiresome is causing one to become tired. Ex: tiresome exercices.

Tough: someone tough is strong and not easily influenced. Ex: a tough negociator.

Wearying: physically or mentally exhausting. Ex: He was weary from staying up all the night.


Conflict / Miscontent


Attack : a try to cause damage or death to an enemy

Antagonism : fight between two forces, powers

Battle : a fight 

Clash : a fight

Combat / Competition : a battle

Conflict : a clash often violent between two opposing groups or individuals 

Confrontation : the act of challenging another (face-to-face)

Contest : a battle for victory between opposing forces

Desagreement / Discord / Dispute : an argument, a failure to agree.

Duel : a regular fight between two persons

Hostilities : acts of war 

Struggle : a battle

War : armed conflict between different countries


To have a serious argument with someone = to argue strongly with someone, avoir une dispute sérieuse avec quelqu'un 

To take a stand against = to be against someone, prendre position contre

To be hot under the collar = to get upset, "être chaud sous le col"

To get steamed up = to be angry about 

To fly off the handle = have handle, "voler de la poignée "

To go on strike= to manifest, to strike, faire la grève 


Work/ difficulty :


To enslave : to force someone to remain in a bad situation or to control someone’s actions thoughtsemotions, or life completely

To hire : to employ someone or pay someone to do a particular job:

To fire, to dismiss, to sack : to remove someone from their jobespecially because they have done something wrong

To make use of : to use something that is available

To misuse : to use something in an unsuitable way or in a way that was not intended

To oppress : to govern people in an unfair and cruel way and prevent them from having opportunities and freedom

To profit from : to achieve an advantage from something

To use : to put something such as a toolskill, or building to a particular purpose

To utilize : to use something in an effective way


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