Tiny House
Étude de cas : Tiny House. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Sanah04 • 19 Avril 2021 • Étude de cas • 3 313 Mots (14 Pages) • 508 Vues
I’m Sunray Kelly , I considerd myself an artist because. I do carpentry in my work but it’s more about the art and the beauty that i’m trying to convey. So right now we’re at the side of the temple. This is the latest structure we’ve built on the land here. Some of the natural building features is the walls are straw bale. It has an earthen plaster. Actually came out of this hole that we dug build this pond. We took all the soilvout of that and put it on the wall, but that’s what we used to make the wall. It has a living roof which also has lots of straw on it . It’s like a double layer of straw with two layers of pond liner. One of the things that I try to do with my art is to create a feeling of motion and movement and nature eplores a straight line. She doesn’t do it and so I do it as little as possible too. I try to use and I love curves and I love the curves of the human form. I love the curves of the earth. I really dig into the sacred geometry of the spiral and how the spiral is how energy moves. A lot of my work I don’t really feel like I’m just building buldings anymore. I’m creating ernergy vortexing machines that actually transform human consciousness. Nature’s the greatest artist you know and I mean nobody else is as good as nature and so when I can ever I can borrow from nature and use her in my art then my art becomes much more powerful. Some of the other features has a radiated heated floor in it . It’s heated by wood-tired mass heater that heats the bathtub and heats the house heats water for the floor. Principles are of the down drafting stove so if we light a fire over here get the chimmey warned up and then we pull the fire throught this maze which goes up over an oven through this heat exchanger heats the water down. It’s a pretty functional house and then it’s easy to eat. This house we’re coming to is the Sky House kind of was my second major house on the property. I think I started in 82 kind of moved in 88 or whatever and the itw as still not finished but started out to just be small and the nit just kept mushrooming up and growing up you known. Well the first advice I give everybody is take a walk in nature every day get out be in nature and then allow that to work on you because it will work on you and seeing nature you’ll automatically get the sense of it’s beauty and it’s majesty and it’s grace.
Even the suiside doors and stuff, but the electric motor’s in her inside the box here and in the tranny. It’s a very comfortable little house in here roomy and we loved it. We loved travelling and beeing part of it.
Practice. Everything in life is about practice. If youwant to get good at something you practice. You want to improve your skills you practice. It’s almost the answer to everything you want to do is get out there and do it. You know little steps. Little steps lead to big steps so that how you start. Challenge yourself one way or another do something like that and then those gateways will open, those valves will open and then the floodgates will flood you with immense more creativity than you ever felt possible. Ninety-eight I guess was when we built this one and of course it was called the Garden House because itw as buit right in the garden. It’s the kind of thing where I was going through my divorce with Judy, I needed to move out, I said, « well I’m going to move into the garden », so I moved in the garden and built the house in the garden. It’s a very solar house. It has a very nice solar gain. It’s a fairly efficient house in that it doesn’t ever get too cold or too hot. It’s shallow so that the light penetrates the whole house so I can sit here in the winter and I get basically I get the Sun going across the sky but I get the reflected Sun off this glass so I actually get suns heating me all the time on this deck so the deck never gets very cold here.
I asked myself, « what is the greatest thing that I ever did in my life ? » and for me it’s building the pond because building the ponds I’m able to affect the ecosystem greater anything else I do. I create the ponds, the frogs come, I plant the fish, the Eagles come, the herons come the otters come. All thes creatures come to eat from the ponds and so I got this tremendous amount of life. The orchards are great too because we good deer, bear, tons and tons of brood light in here you know to feed on these systems that I’ve created and I’m trying to demonstrate that this planet is the garden planet. It was meant to be a garden then it’s just happy happy happy when it’s allowed to be a garden and on down the trail we go. One of my favorite parts of property is down in this forest. It’s where I come to get my inspiration on. This is the little stump house here. This is one of our little Airbnb cabins. I lived my whole life. I grew up land and one of the first things we built was Stump-Houses. We would go and we would go inside these giant cedar stumps which were absolutely amazing and make little fortresses and stuff and this sauna. This is 30 years old now.
Thirty years ago a guy brought me this roll a rope that he got from the dock for anchoring huge ships in the water down in Seattle and I always was trying to think of something to do with the rope and then I came up with this idea to build a of something to do with the rope and then I came up with this idea to build a suspension bridge across here and so we did .Good little bridge. Now we’re kind of circling back. This is the orchard. This is you know this is were, where I started my dream of edible forestry and do I got loads and loads of apple trees, nut trees, hazelnut, walnut,hickory,hard nut, blueberries, rasberries, strawberries, huckleberries, blackberries so we’re trying to create a sustainable world where we can live off the garden. Let the love in your heart flow. Forgive everybody and move forward in the present that’s probably my three things. I would pass it on as good advice and take a walk in nature.
Je suis Sunray Kelly, je me considère comme un artiste parce que. Je fais de la menuiserie dans mon travail mais c’est plus l’art et la beauté que j’essaie de transmettre. Donc en ce moment, nous sommes sur le côté du temple. Ceci est la dernière structure que nous avons construite sur le terrain ici. Certaines des caractéristiques naturelles du bâtiment sont les murs en ballots de paille. Il a un plâtre en terre. En fait, est sorti de ce trou que nous avons creusé pour construire cet étang.
Nous avons pris toute la terre de cela et l'avons mis sur le mur, mais c'est ce que nous avons utilisé pour faire le mur. Il a un toit vivant qui a aussi beaucoup de paille. C'est comme une double couche de paille avec deux couches de revêtement d'étang. L'une des choses que j'essaie de faire avec mon art est de créer une sensation de mouvement et de mouvement et la nature parcourt une ligne droite. Elle ne le fait pas et je le fais aussi le moins possible. J'essaie d'utiliser et j'aime les courbes et j'adore les courbes de la forme humaine. J'adore les courbes de la terre. Je fouille vraiment dans la géométrie sacrée de la spirale et comment la spirale est la façon dont l'énergie se déplace. Une grande partie de mon travail, je n'ai plus vraiment l'impression de construire des bâtiments. Je crée des machines à vortex pour l'énergie qui transforment réellement la conscience humaine. La nature est le plus grand artiste que vous connaissez et je veux dire que personne n’est aussi bon que la nature et donc quand je peux jamais je peux emprunter à la nature et l’utiliser dans mon art, alors mon art devient beaucoup plus puissant. Certaines des autres caractéristiques ont un plancher chauffant rayonné. Il est chauffé par un chauffe-eau à bois qui chauffe la baignoire et chauffe la maison chauffe l'eau pour le sol. Les principes sont du poêle à tirage vers le bas, donc si nous allumons un feu ici, avertissons la chimmée et ensuite nous tirons le feu à travers ce labyrinthe qui monte au-dessus d'un four à travers cet échangeur de chaleur chauffe l'eau. C’est une maison assez fonctionnelle et puis c’est facile à manger. Cette maison dans laquelle nous arrivons est en quelque sorte la Sky House était ma deuxième grande maison sur la propriété. Je pense que j'ai commencé en 82, j'ai déménagé en 88 ou autre chose et ça n'a toujours pas été fini, mais j'ai commencé à être petit et le nit a continué à proliférer et à grandir, vous savez. Eh bien, le premier conseil que je donne à tout le monde est de se promener dans la nature tous les jours, de sortir dans la nature et de laisser cela fonctionner sur vous parce que cela fonctionnera sur vous et en voyant la nature, vous aurez automatiquement le sens de sa beauté et de sa majesté et c'est grâce. Même les portes et tout le reste, mais le moteur électrique est à l'intérieur de la boîte ici et dans la transsexuelle. C'est une petite maison très confortable ici spacieuse et nous avons adoré. Nous avons adoré voyager et en faire partie.