Thème Anglais; WWE.
Discours : Thème Anglais; WWE.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Julien DELACOIE • 7 Novembre 2016 • Discours • 314 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 900 Vues
Wrestling is a sport-entertainment indeed in a match each wrestler plays a role, usually the "nice" (called Face) against the "wicked" (called Heel). The resulting match is decided beforehand by "bookers" (or writers) and must obviously be accepted by the participants to the game runs smoothly and without misunderstanding
a wrestling match generally used as a pretext to tell a story (storyline) to distract viewers and push them to take the game. For example, the wrestler playing the role of "bad guy" spends his time "cheating" so to forcing the crowd to boo him. So the fans are having fun by encouraging the "nice" to win the match
The catch is undeniably sporty appearance requiring fitness-notch its participants able to do real physical feats without injury (in most cases).
The wrestling style will change a federation to another or from one country to another, and the US was a style rather "spectator sport" in Japan we will rather "Strong Style" Mexico of "Lucha Libre"
Wrestling provides entertainment and not a struggle.
In a word, yes! Wrestling is completely fake and are only the staging. This is also why we call it a "Sport & Show"
The Undertaker comes not from beyond the grave
When Kane fires Jim Ross
The role of a wrestler will be called the "Gimmick"
or limousine Vince explodes with him inside, that's the stage!
There are two possibilities, and only 2! The first, and most common is the so-called "blading". The wrestler hiding a razor blade underneath a band around his wrist or as a band on his fingers. When it should start bleeding, the wrestler usually drop out of the ring to hide to a maximum from the eyes of fans. He then cuts very quickly with the razor blade.
The other way is called "hardway". It's a legitimate injury that causes bleeding. The most common cases are a broken nose or a blow to the ear.