The power of photography
Étude de cas : The power of photography. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Darnel Jean-Pierre • 9 Mars 2019 • Étude de cas • 608 Mots (3 Pages) • 623 Vues
I would first like to give a definition of "power". It is the capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group or a nation that has a great influence on people. Power is exercised in a variety of relationships. Power forms professional organizations and governments. There may be good or bad types of power. The notion of power implies a division between those who have and exercise power and those who have little or no power. Power can exist in different places, at different levels. We can evoke the power of a head of state over his country. The power of a government is not necessarily limited to the control of its own citizens. A dominant nation, for example, will often use its influence to influence or support other governments or to seize control of other nation states. To work on the concept place and form of power we will work on the question Is photography a good way to disseminate information? to answer this question we will see at first the good appearance of the photo and in a second time the bad aspect
It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words this proverb has already been proven more than once. Indeed the picture has a special power that words does not have because the picture has no language barrier anyone can to understand the situation no matter the difference of language whereas the word implies this barrier of the language. The photo is a tool also very impacting to make understand the seriousness of a situation, it is what Nick Ut did a Vietnamese journalist who on June 8, nineteen seventy two took the famous photo "The Napalm Girl" or one see a little naked girl who has just been burned all over by a bombardment of American Napalm during the Vietnam War, this shock image was taken to shock and show the American that this war is very violent. When this photo is published it directly makes one of the newspapers and changes the public opinion of the American demonstration against the war take place and a pacifist movement takes place in the country. This shows us that a photo can play an important role and that it is a very powerful tool.
But unfortunately the photo can also have a negative side indeed it can first be utlise to influence in the evil, or it can be altered is what is happening during the trial of OJ Simpson, after his arrest OJ Simpson found on the cover of the magazine TIME where we see that the skin OJ Simpson was changed and blackened which triggered a great racial tension in America between black and white, which shows us that misuse or image modification can have a negative effect and even create tension.
For me I think that after seeing several examples we can see that the photo is something universal we do not need to speak the same language we even know how to read or write a photo well taken allows us to understand the situation , the disaster that can take place or on the contrary the happiness in the look of someone, really the image can translate all the situations and the emotions of this world and especially by passing the barrier of the language but unfortunately the photo can also times to be a bad thing when it is used badly, but I think that if we make a good use of it and that we do not modify it I think that the photo is a good tool to transmit information