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The murder at road hill house

Étude de cas : The murder at road hill house. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Avril 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  293 Mots (2 Pages)  •  745 Vues

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The murder at road hill house

The suspicion of MR. WHICHER


In 1860, a 3 year old boy was found murdered in the garden of their property. Following this crime, a detective from Scotland Yard was sent to solve the case.

       The local police decided to arrest the housekeeper who was supposed to keep the children. Which is not the Mr. Whicher intention to suspect Constance Kent and focus his research on one of his missing nightgowns. The magistrate then ordered his arrest and gave Mr. Whicher 7 days to finish the case. Nevertheless, Mr.Kent’s father provided his daughter with a good lawyer who prevented her from finding the nightgown. Following his Mr.Kent’s release Mr. Whicher’s reputation is definitely damaged.                                                                                                                                   It was only in 1865 that Constance confessed his crime to a pastor who transmits to the magistrate. She is therefore sentenced to death with 20 years in prison before. [pic 1]


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