The exploitation of AFRICA by EUROPE
Discours : The exploitation of AFRICA by EUROPE. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar lolonvr • 24 Novembre 2020 • Discours • 487 Mots (2 Pages) • 496 Vues
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The exploitation of AFRICA by EUROPE
A very long fime ago, white men arrived in Africa. They understood very quickly that African lands were full of richness so they started develop the land and reap the benefits for themselves. The African people were enslaved by these white strangers.
Slavery was declared abolished more than 200 years ago in most of the countries but at the present time, Europeans continue to take advantage of many "independent" African countries.
A study, shows the wealth of the African subsoil.
[pic 2]Example: it contains 7.6% of the world's oil reserves, 7.5% of its natural gas reserves, 40% of its gold reserves and between 80% and 90% of its chromium and platinum reserves. But the wealth is exported through poorly negoüated contracts that are of little benefit to Africans peoples.
The proper exploitation of all these resources, a good economic organization of African countries as well as an equitable redistribution of the wealth generated would be enough to reduce the poverty of the populations.
Ihave a dream that the African people willbecome rich andsay stop to all their ugjust exploitafon.
In my dreams, Europeans realize that theyhave to let African paple develop andsell theirnaturalresources themselves so the conåtzent can evolve. It is incomprehensible and appalling that a continent as populated and as rich in raw material (such as gold, diamond, oil, etc.) as Africa, is also the poorest one.
In my dream the counfries benefiting from Africa's wealth are helping Africa to raise it economically.
Ihave a dram, that one day, we live in a world whereAfricaisn010nger exploited, in a world where Europeans understmdthat theiracfonsin Africa promotedpoveHy, famine and wars
If African countries improve their organization inside their countries, at a political and economic level, they be able to hmdle their richness and use the benefits to become the most powerful and richest confinent on the planet.
In my dream the African counfries umtedlike the European counfries, which allow them to create an African currency that willraise them to the highest level in the xonomy.
It is not only the economy that causes poverty in Africa, but also the climatic conditions that are not favorable to the continent because 80% of the African population lives from agriculture, which is why in some regions of Africa like the Sahel there are problems of famine that causes thousands of deaths every year.
To put an end to poverty first of ali we nced a zeal awareness of all
Africans who must understand that the fime has come to put aside our internal divisions, we must put an end to all these civil, religious and ethnic wars because without peace there will be no development. Africans must then choose leaders who will come to sewe the people and not to serve themselves.
Africans must stop all unprofitable cooperation with institutions such as the
IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations and the European Union