The election of Donald Trump
TD : The election of Donald Trump. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar moviestar77 • 14 Janvier 2018 • TD • 1 749 Mots (7 Pages) • 851 Vues
My name is Xxxxxx, I’m xxxxxx years old. I was born in Xxxxxx and I live in Xxxxxx. I’m currently student of Terminale Système des Equipements Numériques at Xxxxxx’ school.
I’m going to talk about the election of Donald Trump and the environmental consequences.
Donald Trump is American. He was born in June the 14, 1946 in New York. Before his election on January 20, 2017 as the 45th President of the United States, he was a rich businessman, mainly an investor.
The election of Donald Trump raises a number of questioning and fears, especially about the environmental level.
At first I am going to explain the program of the President regarding environment and all the risks around on his program.
- First point about his program : Back to the fossil fuels, and so support the industry of the coal, the oil and the shale gas by exploiting the reserves of the American basement. The first objectif is to become independent energetically.
- Second point about his program : The Transatlantic free trade agreement : this project is a serious threat for the protection of the health and the environment of the European citizens. There will be more pesticides and shale gas. The big multinationals could impose their products and their production tools on the European market, regardless of our environmental, social and sanitary standards.
- The last point about his program is the ending of climate change deal, signed in Paris. This deal was already signed by United States, but the President wish to opt out. The United States should not make anymore particular efforts concerning the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions..
But the real question is : Is it better to produce his energy locally or is it better to have some foreign supplies with all consequences which it involves ? What about the respect of the environmental standards from exporting foreign countries ? The risks of pollution to transport oil could be dramatic, for example the oils slicks.
As a reminder, the France imports fourty four percent (44%) of its nuclear energy with all the risks associated with it.
In conclusion, Donald Trump's program is not so alarmist if we look more attentively but is it the real solution ? After first disputing that there was scientific evidence of the problem, the largest polluter in the world, the US, is now simply refusing to do anything about it. So what is the future for our planet ?
My name is Xxxxxx, I’m xxxxxx years old. I was born in Xxxxxx and I live in Xxxxxx. I’m currently student of Terminale Système des Equipements Numériques at Xxxxxx’ school.
I’m going to talk about Advantages and disadvantages of BREXIT.
At first, we have to know that BREXIT means BRITISH and EXIT. 2 words in one to explain the exit of the British of Europe.
In the first one I am going to explain the advantages for the British to want to go out of Europe of their point of view in 5 points :
- Better check the immigration : The British want to check(control) the massive flow of the immigrants of the Eastern countries (Poland, Romania, Baltic States: Kosovo / Albania)
- Restore national sovereignty : the politics(policies) want to be able to check(control) their decision both on the plan legal and economic without having to undergo the European pressures.
- Take(Bring) Out of the crisis Eurozone : Stop to pay for the other European Countries. It will allow to find a financial freedom. (It is necessary to note however that United Kingdom did not participate in the refloating of Greece)
- To be free from obstacles and standards sponsoring by Brussels : More flexibilities for the bosses of small and medium-sized enterprises which are collapse under the European standards with for example : the working time has to be respected by European rules
- Free trade worldwide : English think that they could sign more contract all around the world with countries as China, India and Asia
Now, I’m going to show you the inconveniences of the European point of view in 5 points, too :
- United Kingdom could lose the European market, which is one of his principal customer.
- On a global scale : Been a member of Europe has a more important influence in the political or economic negociations
- The country would be less attractive because it will lose of its credibility with the foreign investors, actually their access to Europe will be limited
- The Scotland which does not want to go out of Europe, would may ask for its independence.
- From an economic point of view, the market would be destabilized and there would be a risk of German financial domination.
In conclusion nobody knows what will be the real consequences of Brexit. But I think that England is right to want to leave Europe because too many laws, rules are imposed by the European government. Countries hasn’t real freedom.
But the question is what would be the world if all other countries decided to follow the example of the British ?
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My name is Xxxxxx, I’m xxxxxx years old. I was born in Xxxxxx and I live in Xxxxxx. I’m currently student of Terminale Système des Equipements Numériques at Xxxxxx’ school.
I’m going to talk about Bill Gates , his need to be an innovator and the dangers associated with technological breakthroughs. Bill Gates was born on October 28th, 1955 in Seattle, in the State of Washington (United States). He is an IT specialist and a American entreprenor, a pioneer in the field of the microcomputing. He based in 1975, at the age of 20, with his friend Paul Allen, the company of software of Microsoft microcomputing . His company bought the operating system QDOS to make the MS-DOS, then conceived(designed) the operating system Windows, both in situation of world virtual monopoly.