The Odyssey, Homère.
Commentaire de texte : The Odyssey, Homère.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar abbass tarhini • 7 Novembre 2016 • Commentaire de texte • 471 Mots (2 Pages) • 704 Vues
The Odyssey
- Introduction, Book I, lines 1-94
- Telemachy, Book I, 95 - Book IV
- Kalypso’s island, Book V
- Land of the Phaiakians, Book VI - Book XIII
• Odysseus reveals his name & tells his story to Alkinoös, the king of the Phaiakians (p. 137 = Book IX, 19-36)
• Odysseus’s journey (p. 138-201 = Book VI –Book XIII, 115)
1. Ilion = Troy, from there the wind drove him to Ismaros
2. Ismaros, the land of the Kikonians, he sacked their city and killed their people etc… the Kikonians came Back… they battled … the rest of us fled away from death & sailed (p. 138 = Book IX, 39-61); a supernatural storm drove them to the mainland (p. 138-39 = Book IX, 61-79)
3. Turned the hook of Meleia, the wind drove him past Kythera; 9 days in hostile winds (p. 139 = Book IX, 79-84)
4. They landed in the country of the Lotus-Eaters; he, who eats from the lotus forgets his way home (p. 139-40 = Book IX, 84-104)
5. Land of the lawless Cyclopes (p. 140-51 = Book IX, 105-566)
6. Aiolian islands, Aiolos son of Hippotas entertained him for a month & then he gave him the Bag of winds. From there they sailed for 9 days & on the 10th day appeared Ithaka, but his companions where envious & they opened the Bag (p. 152 = Book X, 1-54)
7. Driven back to the Aiolian islands, however, Aiolos sent him out of his palace (p. 153-54 = Book X, 55-79)
8. Sailed for 6 days & on the 7th they reached the citadel of Lamos, Telepylos of the Laistrigones (p. 154-55 = Book X, 79-127)
9. Aiaia, the land of Circe the dread goddess who talks with mortals; there they stayed for one year (p. 164, 467), at their departure she reveals to them their journey to Hades (p. 155-167 = Book X, 133-574)
10. Hades (p. 168-84 = Book X, 1-640); meeting his mother in Hades (p. 172-73)
11. Back to Circe’s island to Bury Elpenor; Circe tells them what is going to happen with them en route & advises them (p. 185-89 = Book XII, 1-143)
12. Magical Sirens (p. 189, 158-200); Skylla (p. 190-91, 201-33); Charybdis (p. 191-92, 235-59); island of the Sun-god Hyperion & his oxen - 1 month and 6 days (p. 192-95, 260-402); sea storm (p. 195-96, 403-446); 9 days on sea (p. 196-97, 447—53)
13. Ogygia, island of Kalypso, shining among goddesses (p. 88-95 = Book V, 1- 277)
14. Land of the Phaiakians (p. 99-101= Book V, 434-93 - p. 102-200, Book XIII, 85)