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Thème anglais, NETFLIX

Dissertation : Thème anglais, NETFLIX. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Mai 2017  •  Dissertation  •  254 Mots (2 Pages)  •  15 628 Vues

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Netflix is an american entertainment compagny creates by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in 1997, in california. It specializes in and provides streaming media and video on demand online. Netflix expanded into television production and online distribution. In 2017 the compagny has its headquarters in Los Gatos, in california. In 2017 there are 100 milloin users.

For example, the serie "13 reason why" is a serie product by netflix. Adapted from a novel. This serie tells the story of a high school girl who committed suicide and who left 13 audio cassettes explaining the 13 reasons that led her to do this. The serie focuses on academic achievement and aims at a young audience so very present on the social network. For the promotion of the series, netflix published a link on facebook which gives access to the phone of the main character. In this phone there are messages to exchange with the other characters, his mail, his history internet, his contacts. When calling the number of a character, one hears the messaging of the character.

The originality of netflix is also found in their way of managing events like the video city paris. This is a meeting place with youtubers therefore aimed at a young audience. Everything is organized for children and teenagers. The irony of netflix was created in a space exclusively reserved for accompanying adults. Highlighting the fact that adults were rarely involved, and very often tired. Netflix also communicates much humorously, as a false medical certificate with as a disease the "seriophilia".


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