Texte sur Barack Obama
Discours : Texte sur Barack Obama. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Bleuffeur9 • 20 Novembre 2019 • Discours • 641 Mots (3 Pages) • 537 Vues
The victory of the senator from Illinois: reminder of some steps The year 2008 began with the primary elections that allowed each party to nominate its candidate who, once elected, faced the opposite party candidate. Very quickly, John McCain, the Arizona senate representative, was nominated Republican candidate while the Democratic party was torn up between June two pro fi les: Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. Mrs. Clinton, whose name is known to everyone - because of an eight-year stay at the White House when her husband Bill was president 1992/1998 - was seen for a moment as the first American woman with chances. to be elected president. Representative of the State of New York in the Senate, But in spite of all these advantages, the delegates and super-democratic delegates preferred Barack Obama to him: the Democrats did not wish to return to the federal scene Clinton Clique. This reason can be considered as a fundamental element that has determined the democratic choice, which avoids a quick deduction that the Americans are ready to vote for a black but not ready to vote for a woman. Obama won the vote of 2,181 delegates while the figure of 2,118 would have been enough to win the Democratic Party nomination. At the end of the White House race, 47-year-old Senator Barack Obama won 364 Great Electors against 174 for his opponent, Republican candidate John McCain, which represents a 190-point lead. The American people voted 52% in favor of Obama (against 46% for McCain), despite his young age and limited political experience. It was only four years ago that Obama first came to prominence on the occasion of the Democratic Party Convention (2004), before becoming senator of the State of Illinois in 2005. As his critics point out, "his political life is limited to three years". Obama does not really represent the "African-American" community - formerly called "Black" - but belongs to the "two races" community. This category, which was introduced at the last census back in 2000, only includes 7 million Americans (out of a total of 300 million) and half of them are young people under 20 years of age. He has never been very well off in American society, which has so far avoided valorizing miscegenation. Some still remember that prior to obtaining civil rights for blacks in the mid-1960s, some states banned any marriage between people of two different races. No text illustrates as well as the film Devines who comes to dinner tonight? (1967) this episode of American history, since become a classic. The first role was played by black actor Sydney Poitier, who was named Hollywood's first black star. What at the time was perceived as a revolutionary act. The French and American media often focused on the quality of the organization of the Obama campaign and its funding to explain its victory, noting that it was done on-line and offline. ensure constant coherence between public television meetings (broadcasted around the world), communication to the general public, websites and the daily lives of people working in the field. In addition, by taking the party to refuse public funding for its campaign, the Obama candidate raised private funds amounting to $ 639 million, of which 190 were spent on media advertising and 66 were still unused in the media. day after the elections. On the list of major private contributors were registered Google employees with $ 562,241 million, followed by employees and professors of Stanford University (Private University located in California) and those of the Public University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Staff at California public universities provided $ 1.3 million in funding, an amount only surpassed by $ 1.9 million for all high-tech fi rms. The racial history of the United States has been studied by many researchers of whom there is no question of (...)