Test de connaissances ANGLAIS
Cours : Test de connaissances ANGLAIS. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Meline07 • 20 Novembre 2020 • Cours • 445 Mots (2 Pages) • 488 Vues
Test de connaissances ANGLAIS
PRENOM : Méline SECTION : COMB DATE : 12/11/20
Choose the correct answer
1 - We travelled to Paris BY train. on voyage avec le train in
on by over
3 - Tom is only six but he CAN already read very well. must = obligation
should = conseil
can = capacité physique ou morale may
- - WHOSE car is that green one there? Who’s
Whose = A QUI Which = LAQUELLE
- - I’d RATHER play football than watch it. more
rather faster better
I'd + would = conditionnel To + er = aimer Infinitif
- - Is that sweater YOURS ? your = TON pull
yours = LE tien you
- - You OUGHT to listen carefully to your teacher.
should ought had better must
car les autres s'accompagnent toujours de TO
13 - Would you like a SANDWICH with your apple? bread
sandwich car Indénombrable
21 - I don’t have ENOUGH money to buy a new computer. very much
enough assez ( pas assez en l'occurrence ) too much
25 - My mother did a degree in English after LEAVING school. left
leaving car après un verbe d'état ou une preposition Il y a un gérondif to leave
has left
28 - My brother is going to be AN engineer. a
an = Il y a une voyelle derrière donc le "a" se transforme en "an"
- -
- - My brother wants TO BECOME an actor. becoming
to become car deux verbes se suivent dpnc le second est à l'Infinitif for becoming
- - I DON'T AGREE with you.
am not agree
don’t agree car c'est une négation ( sujet+auxiliaire+negation+verbe+complément) am not agreeing
don’t to agree
Choose the correct answer
- - We’re going back home the day after TOMORROW . tomorrow
today yesterday tonight
- - We must WATCH the football match on TV this evening. watch
look see listen
- - I stopped gardening when the rain started. I didn’t want to get WET . warm
windy dry wet
- - Can you help me CHOOSE a new dress for the party? try
choose decide look
- - Come to my desk and ?? me your book, please.
get bring carry take
- - We had a very good football GAME last night. game
kick time play
- - I bought some milk at the little shop on the CORNER OF OUR STREET . traffic lights
bus stop
corner of our street end of the road
- - They were all ANGRY so they went to a restaurant. angry
thirsty hungry fat
citez les 3 cas de gerondif
On utilise le gérondif quand :
- comme sujet du verbe
- comme complément du verbe
- après une préposition
quel est la terminaison du participe present ING ( eating, talking…)
donner les 2 cas de future en Anglais
quelles les similarite du preterit et du present simple? Ou se place lʻ adverbe? Comment le reconnait on?