THE IDEA OF PROGRESS: Is India a modern country
Fiche : THE IDEA OF PROGRESS: Is India a modern country. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar cloevip • 19 Avril 2018 • Fiche • 551 Mots (3 Pages) • 856 Vues
So I’m going to present you the notion of « the idea of progress ». First of all I’m going to give a definition. The idea of progress can be defined as an development or a change, a scientific or social advence wich contributes to making the world a better place.
We might ask if India is a modern country ?
To answer this question I will use two documents, first I will concentrate on the traditional aspects of India with the document « Another Girl », before finally focusing on the modern aspects with
India is a contrasted country wich mixes its tarditions with the moderne aspect
In the first place we have seen in class a document is a text entitled Another girl in 2010
The doc focuses on a woman wich give birth of a girl but in India the girls are often unwanted childrens, the husband wanted kill the baby, he didn't wanted the new born to become a burde after
Indeed in India families are eager to have a boy because a boy can keep the family name and he can handle the family buisness and also he can take care of the family
Yet with a girl the parents have to paid the dowry for her wedding, moreover the girl not report money because she can't work.
Consequently in India they are a gender selection and the number of girl who has been killed increase and India recherch a solution for fight the gender imbalance.
My personal point of view on this topic is that a girl must be at the same level that a boy, I'm against why this Idea in India it's not normal that a girl be killed just because the parents we decide that, she did not choise to be a girl.
Now I will to present the modern aspect of India
II :
Many changes have occured in India over the last 30 years. The country is now in a process of rapid economic development
India is now one of the largest countries in the world and also a emerging country.
To further illustrate this idea we can take the example of an audio report « high-tech cities ».
The document talk about Sirisha who returned to India five years ago to create his Quislex company is located in Hyderabad.
So thanks to the high tech cities evolution and industrial technology ,like Hyderabad, Bangalore Cyberabad, the Indian economy is the tenth in the world global nominal domestic product. These cities are the main reason for the economic sector are know a growth by 8% per year since 2004
This audio report perfectly illustrate the notion idea of the progress because India is continually in evolution moreover the country gets modernized and the economy keeps transforming thanks to the development of the higt tech sector.
Conclusion :
To sum up, we have seen the traditional aspect who creat a lots of inequalities between the women and the men, but we have the modern aspect of India to. India is a country with an economy who is currently changing and it’s why we can wonder if this economic revolution can may disapear the « old traditions ».