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Dissertation : TERRORISM - Anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Mai 2016  •  Dissertation  •  3 259 Mots (14 Pages)  •  776 Vues

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Islamic terrorism is, by definition, terrorist acts committed by Muslim groups or individuals who profess Islamic or Islamist motivations or goals. Islamic terrorists have relied on the tenets of the Quran and the Hadith, citing these scriptures to justify violent tactics including mass murdergenocidechild molestation and slavery.

In recent decades, incidents of Islamic terrorism have occurred on a global scale, occurring not only in Muslim-majority states in Africa and Asia, but also abroad in Europe, Russia, and the United States, and such attacks have targeted Muslims and non-Muslims. In a number of the worst-affected Muslim-majority regions, these terrorists have been met by armed, independent resistance groups, state actors and their proxies, and politically liberal Muslim protesters.

Although the literal existence of Islamic terrorism is not disputed, some have criticized what they perceive to be the blanket usage of the term. Such use in Western political speech has variously been called "counter-productive," "unhelpful," "highly politicized, intellectually contestable" and "damaging to community relations." This view, in turn, has been criticized by those who perceive it to be an act of evasion.


  1. Definition of terrorism

Terrorism is defined as an act of violence against the population, it aims to have his case heard and their demands or change public opinion. However, it is very difficult to find an exact definition and to determine the limits, because everything depends on our position according to the place, the time, the political situation and the whole of our society. For example, during the Second World War Hitler considered the resistance to the German occupation as terrorists while in France for part of the population they were heroes and were recognized as such.

Currently, France supports the view of the Secretary-General of the UN and the High-level Panel that reported in 2004 on terrorism as "any action [...] which has the intention to cause death or serious injury to civilians or non-combatants, when the purpose of such an act is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to take any action or to refrain ". Despite this definition of terrorism remains a matter of controversy as some groups considered non-terrorists, could become according to the interpretation that may be made of the definition.

  1. The different kinds of terrorism

There are three main types of terrorism:

  • First individual terrorism which is a fairly recent terrorism is often conducted with the objective of revenge against a divergent political idea that the terrorist. Many cases of terrorism are assassins to representatives of a political party, the means used are often quite artisanal, spectacular (to offend), and sudden.
  • Then there is the group of terrorism organizing terrorist actions against what they are fighting. For example, we witnessed the terrorism of Islamic extremist groups that claim to be "fighters of God." Or racist group Ku Klux Klan who led and still sometimes conducts attacks against black people.
  • Finally we state terrorism is most present, these are terrorist actions sponsored by the state, they are the same methods as for group or individual terrorists but it is covered by the state. The secret services lead many terrorists fighting the population ignorant to preserve the balance of our company and to avoid international disasters. State terrorism is not well known but many cases were smothered, including the United States through the North American CIA.


Islamist terrorism (sometimes called Islamic terrorism) refers to attacks and other actions terrorism, committed by certain movements that call themselves Islamists. They are done mainly Salafi jihadist groups like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. But Shiite movements like le Hezbollah, from the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, or Taliban groups are considered terrorist by many states.

The goal of Islamic terrorism is the promotion of religious and radical worldview and organizations using the see as a divin1 command. Although in its religious definition, jihad is not specifically related to politics or violence in the early twenty-first century it is easily associated with political violence in his nom2,3 one of whose goals is to "compel [states] to return to the laws of God and the prophetic company of original Islam [and] purify site4 political order. "

Al-Qaeda as organizations clearly positioned in the Islamic context and claim to practice djihad5 although their actions are condemned by religious authorities musulmanes6,7. Several Islamist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the Mujahideen in the First Afghan War, describe their operations "resistance" against "occupation force".

The attacks of September 11, 2001 attacks by al Qaeda and killed nearly 3000 morts8 are the emblematic event of Islamist terrorism.


While acts of terrorism such major decision of the Grand Mosque in Mecca in 1979 and the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat October 6, 1981 by the Egyptian Islamic Jihad took place before the war, for a number analysts geopolitical issues, Islamic terrorism appears in 1979 during the Afghanistan war.

This war saw the USSR fight and lose against Afghan resistance forces backed by the United States (Operation Cyclone) seeking to limit the advanced communist, but also by Saudi Arabia, seeking to export Wahhabism -Oussama bin Laden will such training Afghan armed struggle - Pakistan for reasons of spatial proximity and the People's Republic of China because of his rivalry with the state.

According to Noam Chomsky, "Islamic radicals or extremists, often called" fundamentalists "were pampered by the United States in the 1980s, because they were the most ruthless killers in the world. "9 Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed has confirmed this analysis in his book The War against the vérité10.

In 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center in New York in which nearly 3000 civilians were killed by Al-Qaïda8marquent emblematic evolution of Islamist terrorism, the number of victims, atypical means used, and the fact the United States are affected.


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