Synthèse anglais places and formes of power
Synthèse : Synthèse anglais places and formes of power. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Christophe David • 15 Décembre 2019 • Synthèse • 552 Mots (3 Pages) • 937 Vues
Synthèse anglais 1
places and forms of power
INTRO) To start with places and forms of power, I’d like to give a definitions of places and forms of power. It's the capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group, or a nation having great influence over people. We will especially be interested in the power of the media because if we look at the power of the media for example we can see how much it can influence the public opinion. We may wonder to what extent this theme illustrate the notion of places and forms of power, so did media are good used ? I will illustrate the notion with how media can defend and promote a cause, and how can they be used to deceive people.
I) I will illustrate my first argument whit MAMON, Manon is a short-movie , in this one mexicans are falling from the sky , out of the american border which is symbolised by a huge wall. There so many different mexican, a surgeon ,Miss universe, and a man who had a food-truck, this one is very furious, he claims he has his green card, he talks to an intercom and asked him to bring back his job. The intercom answers that the unatied-states thanks them but they doesn’t need them anymore and so he give us a bill for the wall. So all mexicans were revolted, and suddenly a huge door open, then a gigantic armed robot looking like Trump comes near, and he starts shooting trought the crowd. To face this ennemy , a mariachi appears but he was instantly shot dead, mexicans were losing hope, at this moment appaears the quetzalcoatl , a mexican divinity and he defeated the trump’s robot. The main aim of this document is to criticize trump’s politic and to defend the weakest camp, the mexican here. In another document, we also talks about polar which came to scotland ,this article was defending polar bear and showing the global warming effect, but he was a fake.that’s the way for media to deceive people.
II) Media can be dangerous if they are using for bad reason, we saw a web article from « the globe and mail », in this article the writters explains what fake news are, and how can you avoid them. So first, fake news are disinformations for some reason like profit ( that can make a buzz and the editors can earned digital advertising revenue, or for political reason as a form of propaganda. However , do not confuce fake news with satirical stories. The autor also give tips to avoid to be hoaxed by fake news, he counsel to check the validity of a site , do you trust this site ?, you can trust some informations , but you need to verify it before, by seeking on other site for example ? And also search the consistency, do the details of a report match up whit the information we saw originaly ? tht’s probably the main sign of fake news, the informations are contradicting.
CCL°) To conclude we can say that media are a reliable source of information although generally they do not have a neutral opinion. It is therefore necessary to some extent analyze and sort information.