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Synthèse:Places and forms of power

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Par   •  18 Mai 2016  •  Fiche  •  1 048 Mots (5 Pages)  •  1 283 Vues

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Place and forms of power:

Nowadays, we live in a democracy in France where the power is divided in 3 instates: the judiciary, the legislative and the executive power. This system of checks and balances is an important part of the Constitution. With checks and balances, each of the three branches of government can limit the powers of the others. This way, no one branch becomes too powerful. But we can see an other power currently: the media. We can speak about the fourth power.

That’s why we can ask if there is a fourth power all around the world ?

In the first place, we can speak about why we speak about fourth power. Next we can see the limits of media nowadays.

Why we speak about fourth power

a) Traditional role

First we can speak about a fourth power in country which are developed, north country for exemple. The traditional media have become a fourth power like the press, radio and TV. They must inform the public, denounce injustices, make us aware of problems in society, give a voice to people and opinions. We can take commit ourselves to one cause or to disagree with an other commit. Actually I think they are very important and we need them to join forces against terrorists.

b) Right of the journalist

But the journalists have to respect some rules like being unbiased. They are in democracy protected by the right of speech and information. With out the media we would be ignorant of what is going on in the world. Next sunday, citizens in France vote for a party which they chose thanks to the agenda of the parties. These agendas were shown in the street on posted. But nevertheless, each of citizens are controlled and influenced with these campaigns according to me.

c) Denunce other power

The media have a important role in our societies. To illustre that we can speak about the watergate scandal. Two journalists revealed that Nixon has used the secret services to spy on his opponents with is illegal. he had abused his power and had to resign. The executive power was questioned like in Soweto when a photographer captured the horror of injustice and shocked the world in 1976. We need them to move forward and maybe a day live in peace.

The fourth power have also the rights to denounce the other power. Sometimes common people use the media to act and change things. That’s the case for activist and leaders. Martin Luther King is the perfect example. He felt like victim because he lived during his like with numbers injustices. He used his charisma to get equal rights for black. We can also speak about Malala who denounced the injustices about the women and girls in Pakistan. In Pakistan, the women haven’t the same right to men. She mShe use the new media to denounce and make move these inequalities. She received the nobel prize for peace this year. She put her life in danger to denounce the injustices because she wasn’t live in a democracy. For me, she is an icon for all the women in the world, because we still continue to suffer about inequalities whatever the countries we live. We know Malala today because she got the attention of the major media. we must mediatize


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